So... tomorrow is the start of my first final exam. Uhh. It's funny. I haven't studied AT ALL today (it's almost 4 PM). Didn't do anything last night either. Dunno what's wrong with me. I'm not confident at all, I don't understand half the theories still and I can only remember 10% of the work. I must be in a state of denial, refusing to take anything else in because it's not gonna do much anymore. Or I'm just lazy. I don't know. I mean it's gonna be so funny tomorrow. I'll have to write essays for my exam. I haven't written more then my own name and a shopping list for months. I'll probably break a sweat writing anything after one paragraph.
I'm reading the past year papers and I can't write them. If tomorrow is anything like these papers, I can't do them. I might be able to like write one paragraph for each of them, but... an entire essay? I should try to do them but I dunno... I don't feel like it anymore.
It's sink or swim tomorrow, ROFL.
That said, even if I fail the exam I'll still get a credit for my final grade, so eh, this might be the source of my laziness.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Monday, 29 October 2007
The exam blues...
I guess my days of blogging daily are over for now. I'm just not bothered during exam time. I'll make another gigantic post on Thursday after my COM1020 exam. Spent the past few days, uhh... having fun with a few MCAC activities. Besides that, I've done nothing but listen to lectures for COM1020. And not remembering a single thing in the end. Bleh. I'm kind of dead in a way. I guess a large reason why I'm so lazy / unmotivated is that this exam is only worth 30%. If I combine my grades on the other 70% I get a total of 51% (or so, my grade on class participation is a estimation). Either way, there's no way I can fail this unit, so it's just a matter of studying to get that D!
Although I still feel worried / stressed / not alive though. The kind of feeling I get when I'm depressed. The "I don't feel alive" feeling. The empty feeling. I want to get my paper over with and feel like I'm living again. And yeah, although I don't have that killer pressure and making sure you can pass, my "I want to get a high grade!" instinct still leads me to be worried for this exam when I can clearly see that I know ABSOLUTELY nothing in this unit at all. I can only touch the surface of each topic. Not sure how I will be able to write an essay, there's no way I can write an analysis as I am now.
I had a terribly annoying cold and a sneezing fit yesterday also. Much better today (I went and gave myself like 8 hours of sleep for once, compared to the 3 hours I've been getting the past 2 days). Rest and food does wonders! Glad I drank lots of water as to not get a sore throat. The second I get a sore throat it's over for me. Cause when that happens it means it'll develop into a flu and a high fever. That's how I seem to work. And I haven't gotten sick all year, the next time I get a flu I'll be immobile and dizzy.
Although I still feel worried / stressed / not alive though. The kind of feeling I get when I'm depressed. The "I don't feel alive" feeling. The empty feeling. I want to get my paper over with and feel like I'm living again. And yeah, although I don't have that killer pressure and making sure you can pass, my "I want to get a high grade!" instinct still leads me to be worried for this exam when I can clearly see that I know ABSOLUTELY nothing in this unit at all. I can only touch the surface of each topic. Not sure how I will be able to write an essay, there's no way I can write an analysis as I am now.
I had a terribly annoying cold and a sneezing fit yesterday also. Much better today (I went and gave myself like 8 hours of sleep for once, compared to the 3 hours I've been getting the past 2 days). Rest and food does wonders! Glad I drank lots of water as to not get a sore throat. The second I get a sore throat it's over for me. Cause when that happens it means it'll develop into a flu and a high fever. That's how I seem to work. And I haven't gotten sick all year, the next time I get a flu I'll be immobile and dizzy.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
The past week in a nutshell....
Yay, finished typing everything. This was a lot of work, HAHAHAHA. I am SOOO OBVIOUSLY NOT STUDYING! I shall be resuming my daily posts now that I've gotten this chunk of the text out of the way (the reason I couldn't make any new posts).
Last Monday
Monday I didn't do much, I finished assignment, went to uni to hand it in and spend the remainder of the afternoon sitting with Drue, Nat, Chris, Sharon, Raine and co. by our Karaoke promotion stall then they moved to the cellar room. Of course, that was when the GFN volunteers appreciation party was held at, so I went for that straight after. MCAC was still around during the party, I felt kind of bad how they couldn't join in with anything. Then everyone went to Bernie's place because... the.. costumes for Vu and Drue had arrived. I wanted to go but I wanted to stay for GFN also, lol.
GFN was fun. We had a KFC dinner, I got a certificate where my name was printed wrong so that went out the window. Will get another one another day I think. But I didn't get one in the end. Oh well? Maybe I can ask for 2 next year, LOL. Umm... at GFN we played weird games like blow out... where you .. sit in a circle, say blow whatever crap and basically whoever is in the circle has to say something like "everyone wearing jeans" and everyone wearing jeans has to find another seat in the circle. Can't find one, you're in the middle. 3 times in the centre and you have a penalty. Only Mitze got a penalty in the end which was to propose to someone. She proposed to Amanda, lol.
Now much else happened. Everyone seemed to like my cake, although I wish I did thrown chocolate sauce all over it. It was too strong. Destroyed the taste. Mitze drew a flower on my hand, which is gone now sadly but it was really pretty. Eventually, V drove us back to the Halls.
Went over to study at Farrer for the night for a short while. I also met Chris again! Chris from the first semester, an old friend from Roberts. Not MCAC Chris. He had to leave Australia for a bit, and now he came back living at Farrer Lords. We went over to Rachel's room, dragged her out and had a good chat.
Last Tuesday
I was supposed to JUST study for my exam on thursday. I was expecting Tuesday to be a nice and calm day. But noooo! It didn't turn out that way. Obviously it's my own fault. I went to uni to get a pancake (finally I got one) and I bought a muffin to eat also. Then I went back to study. At around 12 past Chris sent me a message on MCAC forum asking whether I wanted to join the group as we go to Chaddy to buy Drue a uhh... *coughs*. So I said yes cause I wanted to go and help Drue pick a *coughs*. So yeah, at past 1 Chris gave me a call and Drue drove me to Chaddy.
The uhh... experience was rather interesting. I was really embarassed you know. Then we went EVERYWHERE looking for lace so that Lee could sew it onto Vu's costume for Wednesday. Since it was too short. We went everywhere, Kmart, The Reject Shop, Target, etc. Couldn't find it. No, Chaddy has no Lincraft. Anyway we went to Coles at the end, Nat bought some cake-making stuff and uhh... Bernie had a lot of veggie patties for Wednesday's BBQ, LOL. After, Nat wanted to have ANOTHER DDR time at Bernie's place. I wanted to go home. By this time Drue had left for his Maccas interview so if Chris went to Bernie's I would have no ride home. Boo boo. But yeah, Chris hesitated but eventually he decided to drive me back. Heh. And in the end didn't return to Bernie's place.
I made cake at night. For tomorrow. Yay, Celine doesn't study! Oh and I made dinner too. During the time when I made cake a random girl and her mom came in and asked me stuff. Oh and guess what? It was PASTA NIGHT AT ROBERTS. OMG. I was like... SHIT! NOOOOES~ my free food. MY FREE NICE FOOD! So yeah, I had already ate dinner by the time I realised it was pasta night and it was announced. Bleh. Didn't bother to go in the end.
Last Wednesday
MCAC end of year BBQ! Heh, it was an awesome day. I went to uni at around 11 AM to keep Drue and Raine company at the promotion stall (outside STA travel). Raine was studying and Drue was just chilling. I went to get the water dispenser from Jimmy. Had to wait a bit since he wasn't around. And then he had to come out of a staff meeting to give it to me. How embarrassing. And yeah... I didn't get any certificate in the end, oh well. Umm... eventually more people came to the stall. Sharon, Amanda, Jia Chee, Alex, Moo-chan. Sharon and Raine changed into their costumes, and Alex had his huge ass Auron sword. Moo-chan made these pastries, macaroons I think they were, and I got eat one. It was nice. He was determined to force Chris to eat one of his foods this time. It was funny cause I had my cake and like... Alex ate mine but wouldn't it Moo-chan's. Cause he had a sore throat so he would only eat mine since mine were soft. Poor Moo-chan though.
Anyway, Sharon and Raine eventually changed into their costumes. And when Sharon walked through the campus centre to get water, ROFL. You should see the amount of people STARING AT US. I was wearing plain clothes but I was carrying Alex's sword. Which like reaches the ceiling. Yes, I know. I bet my family and friends back home probably think I'm a freak now. LOL. But oh well, I'm enjoying myself despite getting labelled a freak on campus (and please note, unlike high school, campus is like over 10'000 people ROFL). Whee, big difference since high school in terms of me confidence level.
Umm.. yeah. At 12 we made our way to the BBQ are at the Japanese Study Centre. So many things happened I kind of can't remember. Let's see, the BBQ fell over when Sandreep and co. tried to drag it over. Umm... Chris' Haruhi costume. He brought it for me but I didn't want to change. So I pointed at Moo-chan to wear it and HE DID. ROFL!! And Raine brought her purple wig also. It was perfect. And Moo-chan has glasses. Heh. So yeah, Drue and Vu changed. Which was just excellent. Lots of photos were taken. Uhh... my cake did well. Cosplayers included... Raine, Moo-chan, Alex, Sharon, Tam, Nat, Terence.. umm... yeah. And Drue and Vu, but that ain't cosplay. That's just cross dressing, lol. The actual BBQ was good. We had too many sausages. Seems Vu went crazy and bought 200 LOL. So I ate like 3 sausages. Sandreep, Sharon and William did most of the BBQ-ing. Poor them, Sharon and William got it pushed onto them I think.
So yeah. A lot of funny and... wrong things happened at the BBQ. Drue and Tam were so overly friendly with each other. Raine and Ming Ming were like... *coughs* well we all know what happened there. Heh. Nat made some yummy little cupcakes which she had bought the day before, and wrote like I <3 MCAC on it or something like that. It was a fun day anyway, that's what mattered. We got our MCAC t-shirts also. Which were cute. And a lovely group photo. <3
At around 2:50 PM, we had to go pay our bond for our house at Panorama. So we made our way over (me, Amanda, Jia Chee, Sharon, V and Stan). But uhh... there were some problems. For the bond, the receipt in this scrap piece of paper. Like seriously! We all freaked out and sort of refused to pay. I think the agent, Yenny, got annoyed at us while we were on the phone with her (we've never met her, it's always JUST her staff). In the end she just said not to pay today and we all left a little melancholy. Boo boo. We made our back to uni and I parted from the group to look for MCAC again, who were all still at the JSC despite the BBQ having finished.
Uhh... cause we had so many sausages Vu gave me a whole 'nother bunch to share with everyone (Amanda and co.). And Tam insisted on taking the bread also (which I didn't want but.. meh...) The after-BBQ was kind of amusing. More photos taken. Ming Ming gets on top of Raine *coughs*. Randomness. And then I finally decide to go cause it's getting late and I need to study. I walk back to the Halls with Jasmine and Owen, who parts way so yeah, just me and Jasmine. We have a little chat and I told her about the TripleC, and she said she would help out (which is a re-assurance considering how Jasmine works at Gloria Jeans and has waitering experience).
Later on in the day, Amanda went to collect the sausages from me to pan fry. Yay, sausage dinner AGAIN. LOL. Umm.. yeah. I felt guilty not helping out so I went over to Farrer but they all just made me study. T.T Well it was my exam the day after but.... anyway ate the sausages, bread, wedges and some veggies Sharon cooked up and went back to my room. It was rather uneventful.
Exam time! Went to do my exam. It was rather easy actually. I think. There were some stupid questions that made no sense. I was a bit annoyed at one of my classmates INSISTING on cheating and talking to me, asking me a question she doesn't understand. When I refuse to answer and just ignored her, she went on to ask Raine instead who gave her a blank look and continued writing. Anyway, in the end Raine finished first at 30 minutes earlier, while I finished next at 15 minutes earlier.
We were sort of early for TripleC meeting so there wasn't much people in the cellar room. I just sat around, ate lunch and stuff. Ummm. In the beginning I remember Tam was there. And Serene. Raine brought over one of her Manifest friends, this guy called George to join our committee. George certainly... talks... very.. much. I sort of reconigzed him and found out later on he was the Sanji cosplayer from Manifest that I thought was awesome. So yeah, meeting with a whole lot of people. We didn't really do much cause we were waiting for Nat, and by that time I had to go so I actually missed most of the meeting. T-T
Class was... dull. I wanted to go back to the meeting, LOL.
When I went back there was this HUGE group of people in a circle and they all just stared at me. I was like.. O__o ... what? And everyone started moving somewhere. So I uhh.. just followed along. Apparently we were scouting another location for the cafe, the conference room (upstairs at the Campus Centre). These.. Shakespeare society people were using the place and wouldn't let us in so like.. we sat on the stage to wait. Anyway various things were discussed on stage. George chattered non-stop, Bernie 1 was doing suspicious things on his laptop (we found out on the forums what he was doing later on), Sharon, me, Jasmine, Nat and Moo-chan talked about the menu.
We finally got to see the conference room. It's a pretty good place. Not very big, but it has a nice little kitchen and stuff. The rest of the meeting was rather melancholy. Overall, people were stressed and cause our group was big and people kept breaking away / walking elsewhere, it meant that the 'meeting' was very disjointed. People weren't on top of things cause they weren't around during certain discussions. Which I found a bit irritating. And yeah, Raine was clearly really stressed and irritated, Alex was ill and sleepy, Nat and Moo-chan just wandered here and there in the end. Uhh... we were stressing about our lack of budget. And that made poor Nazri stress since he IS the treasurer afterall. Sharon, me, Jasmine and George chattered about the food for a bit and we came to a disagreement. I was a bit bleh. So yeah, meeting broke up and I ran off. Seems Drue had a dinner of some sort but I wanted to do my assignment for Monday.
I made a new forum for TripleC! Since I was worried about more miscommunication.
A nice and quiet day I guess. Went for Education classes. It was dull as always. Then I went to eat lunch. And then I went for this volunteer experiment thing. Um... about how people react in multi-strategical situations or something. Anyway, I get paid for participating in this experiment and it was rather fascinating. So what was it? The experiment just tested what kind of strategical decisions people would make in regards to economics. So what did this mean? Basically, we were tested to see how we would react to get more money (and we were actually paid this money). So the experiment was all on the computer, and was fairly simple. I couldn't physical talk to anyone.
It was made up of 3 rounds. The 18 people that were there were split into groups of 3 (person 1, 2 and 3). The Person 1 would forever be person 1. 2 and 3 switched around. How it works is that person 1 has to choose either A, B, C or D. There are these 4 brackets. And person 2 and 3 have to choose X or Y. What happens here is that in A, B, C or D, person 1 gains different amounts of money. So why wouldn't person 1 choose the one that gets him/her the most money? Because, how much everyone earns also depends on the choices person 2 and 3 makes. That is, the X and Y. So person 2 and 3 would choose the option that gets them the most money, and this might pull down person 1 (or the other person). Basically, A and D were not ideal choices for person 1 because A gave that person the most money but it meant that person 2 and 3 would both choose Y since it gives them the most money and person 1 nothing. D was out of the question, cause while D would mean everyone gets cash, person 1 gets the least. So just B and C left right? Choice B gives person 3 and advantage, while C gives person 2 and advantage.
A key point here is that B and C would be out of the question if person 2 and 3 could communicate, gang up and choose a choice where they both get the same amount and person 1 gets nothing. But because they couldn't communicate, person 2 and 3 (I was person 2 during round one) just fought for as much money we could get depending on person 1's choice.
Round 2 was interesting. Person 2 and 3 could NOW communicate via a chat window, which person 1 can't read. For a limited time (90 seconds which shortens to 60 eventually). The cons I had with this random person was weird, the person seemed to enjoy typing crap. But yeah, we agreed to gang up on person 1 if they chose either B or C. Person 1 pretty much stayed to choosing D the entire time, which is the choice where person 2 and 3 gets more, and person 1 gets left, but person 1 still gets something. If person 1 chose any other choice, he/she might get nothing since person 2 and 3 would collaborate.
Round 3 was the same as round one again. EXCEPT. This time, person 2 and 3 could collaborate despite having no communication. Note that in each round, the people you are grouped with are different (and anonymous). So round 3 displayed how we could all collaborate to get as much money as possible without communication cause we were already trained in round 2.
In the end, I earned AUD $48.30, hehe. Which was quite a bit more then other people. Since I heard others got like below $40, $41 or so. I guess I have good luck.
Saturday was Stan's bday. I was originally just gonna make some dish to bring for the pot luck party but like... I was requested for my cake. T.T So yeah...
Went to Brandon Park in the morning. I realised that I had NOTHING to buy at all except for the cake stuff (well except for milk). So yeah, just bought that and ran back home. At noon, we went over to the Panorama house to meet Yenny and pay our bond and sign the agreement. Once and for all. Yay. We were uhh.... 15 minutes late. Ouch. Anyway Yenny was surprisingly young. O.O Had a cute kid also. The Panorama house... I was a bit out of it that I couldn't see my room as I agreed to take the smallest room in the house. I wanted to see it to reduce the shock next year you know. So like if it's really small I have time to calm down over choosing it and letting everyone else take the other rooms. Cause if it's smaller then Halls, goddamit. LOL. And I'm sure a number of you guys realise that although generally I'm really good natured, because I never get mad at anything when I do get irritated and emo I can just snap. Although I don't injure anyone, myself or break things though during my uhh... fits.. so I guess it shouldn't be a worry. Anyone, whatever. We paid for our bond with a cheque I wrote for everyone. So now I have a ridiculous amount of money in cash that everyone gave me and my bank account is significantly more empty. T.T
Today was FRICKEN HOT. Like 30 degrees. OMG. I forgot how painful it is to be in this burning heat without a trace of air conditioning anywhere. Especially when I spent the past 5 months or so freezing my little ass off every other night. See, I know Brunei and Malaysia always has that temp. But like, there are air cons in those places. There are no air cons in most buildings in Australia. And the summers here are hotter then Brunei. Ugh.
After we all dragged our extremely tired asses back to the Halls, well Sharon and Stan parted ways with us (Sharon attempted to drag Stan away basically so we could like.. go back to the Halls to cook for his surprise party), me and Amanda went to get my cake stuff to make the cake in Farrer. So yeah, spent a good amount of the afternoon doing that. I made 2 cakes actually. One is my usual, the other was an experiment. Cheesecake brownies, lol.
They were both a decent success. Amanda made soup, Jia Chee made fried rice and Sharon made deep fried chicken and some veggies. The chicken didn't go as she liked but she had outsider help luckily. Anyway, Stan knew of the surprise since Sharon accidentally sent a message to V about the party to Stan instead. Oh well, LOL. Tsan was there also, who walked over before it got dark. V walked her all the way back to her house at night (his car has broken down). We took a lot of pictures, uhh... Stan got his faced splattered with chocolate. Random stuff like that. I like my cheesecake brownies, haha. Don't think it was finished though, sad there wasn't enough people to eat it all. So it got wasted... boo. T.T
Anyway Stan invited me and Tsan (everyone else was already invited) to his actual party on Sunday at his family's middle to high class restaurant. We immediately panicked about our clothes and what you can wear to a middle to high class restaurant. LOL. Anyway, went to sleep on it.
So I spent the day on my assignment. Considering how I was going out at night. In the afternoon, Tsan was rather worried about her clothes. Messaged Amanda a few times about clothing also. In the end, decided not to go formal. I thought I would wear a nicer top and a skirt though. Transport to the restaurant (which isn't very close), well.. Alex drove me, Amanda, Jia Chee and V. So yeah, made our way there. We were like half hour early cause Alex left early, he was afraid we might not find our way and allotted time for that. We had prawn chips placed in front of us... which we all ate. Umm... we met Stan's mom.. without knowing.. and assumed it was his older sister. Whoops. Stan has cute little sisters (which he called Little one #1 and Little one #2, unfortunately I can't seem to remember their names anymore).
Anyway lots of photos were taken. Met Stan's high school friends. Who were friendly. And .. liked.... anime. I was a bit hesitant to admit what club I was in (the answer to how I met Stan, while everyone else met him through other various means, I met Stan though MCAC), but it turns out his friend is also a fan. That's always good, LOL. Yeah, I shouldn't be hesitant at this point any more, but eh, I guess publically getting labelled as a freak now still needs time for me to get used to (and get indifferent about, must.. learn.. off.. Chris).
Food was good. I haven't eaten REAL GOOD chinese food in ages! It had these really nice SUPER SALTY SOY chicken. Haha. And other yummy various chinese food. Like ma-po Tofu. Sliced beef in black pepper sauce. Some yummy veggies. And dessert, fried ice cream and some normal ice cream. It wasn't really fried as we imagined it, (it was ice cream covered in nuts) but it was still good. Before leaving we had some last minute photos taken. Anyway, got home not too late and went to sleep to wake up early to finish my assignsments.
Yay! Freedom! Finished assignments! BWAHAHAHA! I went to uni to hand them in. And uhh.. came back. It was Rachel's bday on Monday. So I bought my present earlier, I wrapped it up and did something rather amusing. I went to her room, left the present on the ground, knocked on her door and bolted. LOL. She was like.. O___O at this. And laughing. Well I had to do some sort of a surprise. Anyway she invited me to join her and Chris (note, this isn't MCAC Chris, this is umm... Chris a friend from first semester, used to live in Roberts but had to leave Aus for some few months and came back now at Farrer Lords) at the nearby Chinese place to eat dinner together.
Yeah, we walked over and had a nice and pleasant dinner. It's always good to talk to Chris and Rachel again, since I haven't seen em' much at all lately. I had um.. honey chicken. Which was nothing but honey chicken and friend rice. Uhh... too much chicken. Not enough veggies, lol. It was nice though. Dessert, I carried some Mrs Fields cookies in my hand so we ate them.
Uneventful day. Attempted to study. Failed. Just messed around and didn't do anything. Cooked dinner. Had a shitty lunch, lol. Drue invited me to join the MCAC gang for a last dinner at um... some restaurant in the city on Saturday. We were considering whether to hit the pubs or crash Sharon's place after the dinner. Everyone might just want to go home though, since IT IS exams right now.
Uneventful day. Attempted to study. Failed. Just messed around and didn't do anything. Cooked dinner again. Luckily lunch wasn't as shitty with leftovers from the previous night.
Amanda gave me a call in the morning just to see what I was doing and how I am. It was a pleasant surprise since we haven't talked for like... 2 days, I guess? I always appreciate the most mundane and everyday things. But even small things like a friend phoning me after 2 days just to see what I'm doing is something I can appreciate. Cause normally I don't see anyone doing that for me at all. If I don't actively go and talk to others, I can go without talking with certain people for months after months. Cause normally other people don't care about keeping in contact with me, you know? The most normal of things is special to me. Probably why I feel more happy this semester then I have done for the past 6 years. Having people like Amanda, Chris, Drue, Raine and Bernie message and invite me to things or just to say hi and see what I'm doing since we haven't spoken for a few days is just something I never really had before at any point of my life. (Next to family of course, who have always been the best to me, but I've always looked for a place outside family also, and never really found it)
I was... reflecting over certain things tonight. I could type it all here but I decided not too. As to not offend anyone. Maybe another day. But yeah, I'm pretty happy right now. I'm also really happy that I'm looking forward to next year. To coming back here next year. It's a surprise. I've never really looked forward to anything. I guess I look forward to living with Amanda, Jia Chee and Sharon. And the mountain of activities planned at MCAC next year. And hopefully a lot of new members + friends. And to go to GFN again every night. And new friends from there.
Tomorrow I must get in gear and begin studying for my exams! COM1020 Final Exam, November the 1st, LOL.
Last Monday
Monday I didn't do much, I finished assignment, went to uni to hand it in and spend the remainder of the afternoon sitting with Drue, Nat, Chris, Sharon, Raine and co. by our Karaoke promotion stall then they moved to the cellar room. Of course, that was when the GFN volunteers appreciation party was held at, so I went for that straight after. MCAC was still around during the party, I felt kind of bad how they couldn't join in with anything. Then everyone went to Bernie's place because... the.. costumes for Vu and Drue had arrived. I wanted to go but I wanted to stay for GFN also, lol.
GFN was fun. We had a KFC dinner, I got a certificate where my name was printed wrong so that went out the window. Will get another one another day I think. But I didn't get one in the end. Oh well? Maybe I can ask for 2 next year, LOL. Umm... at GFN we played weird games like blow out... where you .. sit in a circle, say blow whatever crap and basically whoever is in the circle has to say something like "everyone wearing jeans" and everyone wearing jeans has to find another seat in the circle. Can't find one, you're in the middle. 3 times in the centre and you have a penalty. Only Mitze got a penalty in the end which was to propose to someone. She proposed to Amanda, lol.
Now much else happened. Everyone seemed to like my cake, although I wish I did thrown chocolate sauce all over it. It was too strong. Destroyed the taste. Mitze drew a flower on my hand, which is gone now sadly but it was really pretty. Eventually, V drove us back to the Halls.
Went over to study at Farrer for the night for a short while. I also met Chris again! Chris from the first semester, an old friend from Roberts. Not MCAC Chris. He had to leave Australia for a bit, and now he came back living at Farrer Lords. We went over to Rachel's room, dragged her out and had a good chat.
Last Tuesday
I was supposed to JUST study for my exam on thursday. I was expecting Tuesday to be a nice and calm day. But noooo! It didn't turn out that way. Obviously it's my own fault. I went to uni to get a pancake (finally I got one) and I bought a muffin to eat also. Then I went back to study. At around 12 past Chris sent me a message on MCAC forum asking whether I wanted to join the group as we go to Chaddy to buy Drue a uhh... *coughs*. So I said yes cause I wanted to go and help Drue pick a *coughs*. So yeah, at past 1 Chris gave me a call and Drue drove me to Chaddy.
The uhh... experience was rather interesting. I was really embarassed you know. Then we went EVERYWHERE looking for lace so that Lee could sew it onto Vu's costume for Wednesday. Since it was too short. We went everywhere, Kmart, The Reject Shop, Target, etc. Couldn't find it. No, Chaddy has no Lincraft. Anyway we went to Coles at the end, Nat bought some cake-making stuff and uhh... Bernie had a lot of veggie patties for Wednesday's BBQ, LOL. After, Nat wanted to have ANOTHER DDR time at Bernie's place. I wanted to go home. By this time Drue had left for his Maccas interview so if Chris went to Bernie's I would have no ride home. Boo boo. But yeah, Chris hesitated but eventually he decided to drive me back. Heh. And in the end didn't return to Bernie's place.
I made cake at night. For tomorrow. Yay, Celine doesn't study! Oh and I made dinner too. During the time when I made cake a random girl and her mom came in and asked me stuff. Oh and guess what? It was PASTA NIGHT AT ROBERTS. OMG. I was like... SHIT! NOOOOES~ my free food. MY FREE NICE FOOD! So yeah, I had already ate dinner by the time I realised it was pasta night and it was announced. Bleh. Didn't bother to go in the end.
Last Wednesday
MCAC end of year BBQ! Heh, it was an awesome day. I went to uni at around 11 AM to keep Drue and Raine company at the promotion stall (outside STA travel). Raine was studying and Drue was just chilling. I went to get the water dispenser from Jimmy. Had to wait a bit since he wasn't around. And then he had to come out of a staff meeting to give it to me. How embarrassing. And yeah... I didn't get any certificate in the end, oh well. Umm... eventually more people came to the stall. Sharon, Amanda, Jia Chee, Alex, Moo-chan. Sharon and Raine changed into their costumes, and Alex had his huge ass Auron sword. Moo-chan made these pastries, macaroons I think they were, and I got eat one. It was nice. He was determined to force Chris to eat one of his foods this time. It was funny cause I had my cake and like... Alex ate mine but wouldn't it Moo-chan's. Cause he had a sore throat so he would only eat mine since mine were soft. Poor Moo-chan though.
Anyway, Sharon and Raine eventually changed into their costumes. And when Sharon walked through the campus centre to get water, ROFL. You should see the amount of people STARING AT US. I was wearing plain clothes but I was carrying Alex's sword. Which like reaches the ceiling. Yes, I know. I bet my family and friends back home probably think I'm a freak now. LOL. But oh well, I'm enjoying myself despite getting labelled a freak on campus (and please note, unlike high school, campus is like over 10'000 people ROFL). Whee, big difference since high school in terms of me confidence level.
Umm.. yeah. At 12 we made our way to the BBQ are at the Japanese Study Centre. So many things happened I kind of can't remember. Let's see, the BBQ fell over when Sandreep and co. tried to drag it over. Umm... Chris' Haruhi costume. He brought it for me but I didn't want to change. So I pointed at Moo-chan to wear it and HE DID. ROFL!! And Raine brought her purple wig also. It was perfect. And Moo-chan has glasses. Heh. So yeah, Drue and Vu changed. Which was just excellent. Lots of photos were taken. Uhh... my cake did well. Cosplayers included... Raine, Moo-chan, Alex, Sharon, Tam, Nat, Terence.. umm... yeah. And Drue and Vu, but that ain't cosplay. That's just cross dressing, lol. The actual BBQ was good. We had too many sausages. Seems Vu went crazy and bought 200 LOL. So I ate like 3 sausages. Sandreep, Sharon and William did most of the BBQ-ing. Poor them, Sharon and William got it pushed onto them I think.
So yeah. A lot of funny and... wrong things happened at the BBQ. Drue and Tam were so overly friendly with each other. Raine and Ming Ming were like... *coughs* well we all know what happened there. Heh. Nat made some yummy little cupcakes which she had bought the day before, and wrote like I <3 MCAC on it or something like that. It was a fun day anyway, that's what mattered. We got our MCAC t-shirts also. Which were cute. And a lovely group photo. <3
At around 2:50 PM, we had to go pay our bond for our house at Panorama. So we made our way over (me, Amanda, Jia Chee, Sharon, V and Stan). But uhh... there were some problems. For the bond, the receipt in this scrap piece of paper. Like seriously! We all freaked out and sort of refused to pay. I think the agent, Yenny, got annoyed at us while we were on the phone with her (we've never met her, it's always JUST her staff). In the end she just said not to pay today and we all left a little melancholy. Boo boo. We made our back to uni and I parted from the group to look for MCAC again, who were all still at the JSC despite the BBQ having finished.
Uhh... cause we had so many sausages Vu gave me a whole 'nother bunch to share with everyone (Amanda and co.). And Tam insisted on taking the bread also (which I didn't want but.. meh...) The after-BBQ was kind of amusing. More photos taken. Ming Ming gets on top of Raine *coughs*. Randomness. And then I finally decide to go cause it's getting late and I need to study. I walk back to the Halls with Jasmine and Owen, who parts way so yeah, just me and Jasmine. We have a little chat and I told her about the TripleC, and she said she would help out (which is a re-assurance considering how Jasmine works at Gloria Jeans and has waitering experience).
Later on in the day, Amanda went to collect the sausages from me to pan fry. Yay, sausage dinner AGAIN. LOL. Umm.. yeah. I felt guilty not helping out so I went over to Farrer but they all just made me study. T.T Well it was my exam the day after but.... anyway ate the sausages, bread, wedges and some veggies Sharon cooked up and went back to my room. It was rather uneventful.
Exam time! Went to do my exam. It was rather easy actually. I think. There were some stupid questions that made no sense. I was a bit annoyed at one of my classmates INSISTING on cheating and talking to me, asking me a question she doesn't understand. When I refuse to answer and just ignored her, she went on to ask Raine instead who gave her a blank look and continued writing. Anyway, in the end Raine finished first at 30 minutes earlier, while I finished next at 15 minutes earlier.
We were sort of early for TripleC meeting so there wasn't much people in the cellar room. I just sat around, ate lunch and stuff. Ummm. In the beginning I remember Tam was there. And Serene. Raine brought over one of her Manifest friends, this guy called George to join our committee. George certainly... talks... very.. much. I sort of reconigzed him and found out later on he was the Sanji cosplayer from Manifest that I thought was awesome. So yeah, meeting with a whole lot of people. We didn't really do much cause we were waiting for Nat, and by that time I had to go so I actually missed most of the meeting. T-T
Class was... dull. I wanted to go back to the meeting, LOL.
When I went back there was this HUGE group of people in a circle and they all just stared at me. I was like.. O__o ... what? And everyone started moving somewhere. So I uhh.. just followed along. Apparently we were scouting another location for the cafe, the conference room (upstairs at the Campus Centre). These.. Shakespeare society people were using the place and wouldn't let us in so like.. we sat on the stage to wait. Anyway various things were discussed on stage. George chattered non-stop, Bernie 1 was doing suspicious things on his laptop (we found out on the forums what he was doing later on), Sharon, me, Jasmine, Nat and Moo-chan talked about the menu.
We finally got to see the conference room. It's a pretty good place. Not very big, but it has a nice little kitchen and stuff. The rest of the meeting was rather melancholy. Overall, people were stressed and cause our group was big and people kept breaking away / walking elsewhere, it meant that the 'meeting' was very disjointed. People weren't on top of things cause they weren't around during certain discussions. Which I found a bit irritating. And yeah, Raine was clearly really stressed and irritated, Alex was ill and sleepy, Nat and Moo-chan just wandered here and there in the end. Uhh... we were stressing about our lack of budget. And that made poor Nazri stress since he IS the treasurer afterall. Sharon, me, Jasmine and George chattered about the food for a bit and we came to a disagreement. I was a bit bleh. So yeah, meeting broke up and I ran off. Seems Drue had a dinner of some sort but I wanted to do my assignment for Monday.
I made a new forum for TripleC! Since I was worried about more miscommunication.
A nice and quiet day I guess. Went for Education classes. It was dull as always. Then I went to eat lunch. And then I went for this volunteer experiment thing. Um... about how people react in multi-strategical situations or something. Anyway, I get paid for participating in this experiment and it was rather fascinating. So what was it? The experiment just tested what kind of strategical decisions people would make in regards to economics. So what did this mean? Basically, we were tested to see how we would react to get more money (and we were actually paid this money). So the experiment was all on the computer, and was fairly simple. I couldn't physical talk to anyone.
It was made up of 3 rounds. The 18 people that were there were split into groups of 3 (person 1, 2 and 3). The Person 1 would forever be person 1. 2 and 3 switched around. How it works is that person 1 has to choose either A, B, C or D. There are these 4 brackets. And person 2 and 3 have to choose X or Y. What happens here is that in A, B, C or D, person 1 gains different amounts of money. So why wouldn't person 1 choose the one that gets him/her the most money? Because, how much everyone earns also depends on the choices person 2 and 3 makes. That is, the X and Y. So person 2 and 3 would choose the option that gets them the most money, and this might pull down person 1 (or the other person). Basically, A and D were not ideal choices for person 1 because A gave that person the most money but it meant that person 2 and 3 would both choose Y since it gives them the most money and person 1 nothing. D was out of the question, cause while D would mean everyone gets cash, person 1 gets the least. So just B and C left right? Choice B gives person 3 and advantage, while C gives person 2 and advantage.
A key point here is that B and C would be out of the question if person 2 and 3 could communicate, gang up and choose a choice where they both get the same amount and person 1 gets nothing. But because they couldn't communicate, person 2 and 3 (I was person 2 during round one) just fought for as much money we could get depending on person 1's choice.
Round 2 was interesting. Person 2 and 3 could NOW communicate via a chat window, which person 1 can't read. For a limited time (90 seconds which shortens to 60 eventually). The cons I had with this random person was weird, the person seemed to enjoy typing crap. But yeah, we agreed to gang up on person 1 if they chose either B or C. Person 1 pretty much stayed to choosing D the entire time, which is the choice where person 2 and 3 gets more, and person 1 gets left, but person 1 still gets something. If person 1 chose any other choice, he/she might get nothing since person 2 and 3 would collaborate.
Round 3 was the same as round one again. EXCEPT. This time, person 2 and 3 could collaborate despite having no communication. Note that in each round, the people you are grouped with are different (and anonymous). So round 3 displayed how we could all collaborate to get as much money as possible without communication cause we were already trained in round 2.
In the end, I earned AUD $48.30, hehe. Which was quite a bit more then other people. Since I heard others got like below $40, $41 or so. I guess I have good luck.
Saturday was Stan's bday. I was originally just gonna make some dish to bring for the pot luck party but like... I was requested for my cake. T.T So yeah...
Went to Brandon Park in the morning. I realised that I had NOTHING to buy at all except for the cake stuff (well except for milk). So yeah, just bought that and ran back home. At noon, we went over to the Panorama house to meet Yenny and pay our bond and sign the agreement. Once and for all. Yay. We were uhh.... 15 minutes late. Ouch. Anyway Yenny was surprisingly young. O.O Had a cute kid also. The Panorama house... I was a bit out of it that I couldn't see my room as I agreed to take the smallest room in the house. I wanted to see it to reduce the shock next year you know. So like if it's really small I have time to calm down over choosing it and letting everyone else take the other rooms. Cause if it's smaller then Halls, goddamit. LOL. And I'm sure a number of you guys realise that although generally I'm really good natured, because I never get mad at anything when I do get irritated and emo I can just snap. Although I don't injure anyone, myself or break things though during my uhh... fits.. so I guess it shouldn't be a worry. Anyone, whatever. We paid for our bond with a cheque I wrote for everyone. So now I have a ridiculous amount of money in cash that everyone gave me and my bank account is significantly more empty. T.T
Today was FRICKEN HOT. Like 30 degrees. OMG. I forgot how painful it is to be in this burning heat without a trace of air conditioning anywhere. Especially when I spent the past 5 months or so freezing my little ass off every other night. See, I know Brunei and Malaysia always has that temp. But like, there are air cons in those places. There are no air cons in most buildings in Australia. And the summers here are hotter then Brunei. Ugh.
After we all dragged our extremely tired asses back to the Halls, well Sharon and Stan parted ways with us (Sharon attempted to drag Stan away basically so we could like.. go back to the Halls to cook for his surprise party), me and Amanda went to get my cake stuff to make the cake in Farrer. So yeah, spent a good amount of the afternoon doing that. I made 2 cakes actually. One is my usual, the other was an experiment. Cheesecake brownies, lol.
They were both a decent success. Amanda made soup, Jia Chee made fried rice and Sharon made deep fried chicken and some veggies. The chicken didn't go as she liked but she had outsider help luckily. Anyway, Stan knew of the surprise since Sharon accidentally sent a message to V about the party to Stan instead. Oh well, LOL. Tsan was there also, who walked over before it got dark. V walked her all the way back to her house at night (his car has broken down). We took a lot of pictures, uhh... Stan got his faced splattered with chocolate. Random stuff like that. I like my cheesecake brownies, haha. Don't think it was finished though, sad there wasn't enough people to eat it all. So it got wasted... boo. T.T
Anyway Stan invited me and Tsan (everyone else was already invited) to his actual party on Sunday at his family's middle to high class restaurant. We immediately panicked about our clothes and what you can wear to a middle to high class restaurant. LOL. Anyway, went to sleep on it.
So I spent the day on my assignment. Considering how I was going out at night. In the afternoon, Tsan was rather worried about her clothes. Messaged Amanda a few times about clothing also. In the end, decided not to go formal. I thought I would wear a nicer top and a skirt though. Transport to the restaurant (which isn't very close), well.. Alex drove me, Amanda, Jia Chee and V. So yeah, made our way there. We were like half hour early cause Alex left early, he was afraid we might not find our way and allotted time for that. We had prawn chips placed in front of us... which we all ate. Umm... we met Stan's mom.. without knowing.. and assumed it was his older sister. Whoops. Stan has cute little sisters (which he called Little one #1 and Little one #2, unfortunately I can't seem to remember their names anymore).
Anyway lots of photos were taken. Met Stan's high school friends. Who were friendly. And .. liked.... anime. I was a bit hesitant to admit what club I was in (the answer to how I met Stan, while everyone else met him through other various means, I met Stan though MCAC), but it turns out his friend is also a fan. That's always good, LOL. Yeah, I shouldn't be hesitant at this point any more, but eh, I guess publically getting labelled as a freak now still needs time for me to get used to (and get indifferent about, must.. learn.. off.. Chris).
Food was good. I haven't eaten REAL GOOD chinese food in ages! It had these really nice SUPER SALTY SOY chicken. Haha. And other yummy various chinese food. Like ma-po Tofu. Sliced beef in black pepper sauce. Some yummy veggies. And dessert, fried ice cream and some normal ice cream. It wasn't really fried as we imagined it, (it was ice cream covered in nuts) but it was still good. Before leaving we had some last minute photos taken. Anyway, got home not too late and went to sleep to wake up early to finish my assignsments.
Yay! Freedom! Finished assignments! BWAHAHAHA! I went to uni to hand them in. And uhh.. came back. It was Rachel's bday on Monday. So I bought my present earlier, I wrapped it up and did something rather amusing. I went to her room, left the present on the ground, knocked on her door and bolted. LOL. She was like.. O___O at this. And laughing. Well I had to do some sort of a surprise. Anyway she invited me to join her and Chris (note, this isn't MCAC Chris, this is umm... Chris a friend from first semester, used to live in Roberts but had to leave Aus for some few months and came back now at Farrer Lords) at the nearby Chinese place to eat dinner together.
Yeah, we walked over and had a nice and pleasant dinner. It's always good to talk to Chris and Rachel again, since I haven't seen em' much at all lately. I had um.. honey chicken. Which was nothing but honey chicken and friend rice. Uhh... too much chicken. Not enough veggies, lol. It was nice though. Dessert, I carried some Mrs Fields cookies in my hand so we ate them.
Uneventful day. Attempted to study. Failed. Just messed around and didn't do anything. Cooked dinner. Had a shitty lunch, lol. Drue invited me to join the MCAC gang for a last dinner at um... some restaurant in the city on Saturday. We were considering whether to hit the pubs or crash Sharon's place after the dinner. Everyone might just want to go home though, since IT IS exams right now.
Uneventful day. Attempted to study. Failed. Just messed around and didn't do anything. Cooked dinner again. Luckily lunch wasn't as shitty with leftovers from the previous night.
Amanda gave me a call in the morning just to see what I was doing and how I am. It was a pleasant surprise since we haven't talked for like... 2 days, I guess? I always appreciate the most mundane and everyday things. But even small things like a friend phoning me after 2 days just to see what I'm doing is something I can appreciate. Cause normally I don't see anyone doing that for me at all. If I don't actively go and talk to others, I can go without talking with certain people for months after months. Cause normally other people don't care about keeping in contact with me, you know? The most normal of things is special to me. Probably why I feel more happy this semester then I have done for the past 6 years. Having people like Amanda, Chris, Drue, Raine and Bernie message and invite me to things or just to say hi and see what I'm doing since we haven't spoken for a few days is just something I never really had before at any point of my life. (Next to family of course, who have always been the best to me, but I've always looked for a place outside family also, and never really found it)
I was... reflecting over certain things tonight. I could type it all here but I decided not too. As to not offend anyone. Maybe another day. But yeah, I'm pretty happy right now. I'm also really happy that I'm looking forward to next year. To coming back here next year. It's a surprise. I've never really looked forward to anything. I guess I look forward to living with Amanda, Jia Chee and Sharon. And the mountain of activities planned at MCAC next year. And hopefully a lot of new members + friends. And to go to GFN again every night. And new friends from there.
Tomorrow I must get in gear and begin studying for my exams! COM1020 Final Exam, November the 1st, LOL.
GFN dinner,
house inspection,
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Will get through this...
I can finish my assignment... I can finish it.. I can finish it... *sobs*... I dunno what to do. I hope I don't fail. Such a bad student. Haven't even touched the other Assignment due tomorrow. Guess I'll be staying up the entire night. I'll probably have to eat continuously to stay awake, since I get tired doing work even if I sleep for 8 hours, lol. It's not that I even need all the time to do my assignment. I spend a lot of time just sitting there blankly which wastes an incredible amount of time. But I guess this is what being on writer's block / having no fricken clue what you're writing is all about.
Yet I'm going to Stan's bday celebration tonight at his parent's high class restaurant. I couldn't bear to miss out, heh. So yeah, because I assume I won't be back anytime too early at night I'll just have to work on things in the middle of the night until Monday afternoon.
Yet I'm going to Stan's bday celebration tonight at his parent's high class restaurant. I couldn't bear to miss out, heh. So yeah, because I assume I won't be back anytime too early at night I'll just have to work on things in the middle of the night until Monday afternoon.
Friday, 19 October 2007
The week passes by....
Too... busy .. too blog. Bleh. And I've been donig a lot this week too. I have like 2 assignments due in on Monday, one of which is worth 50% of my grade and I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED! I don't even know what to do. And my Saturday is pretty busy. Yes, I should go shoot myself now. But yeah, I'll probably blog like next Monday night and make some hugeass post about what I've been doing for the entire week. But as a summary...
Monday: MCAC Tea drinking + GFN volunteers appreciation party
Tuesday: Study for exam on Thursday.
Wednesday: MCAC BBQ! Was awesome.
Thursday: Exam, then TripleC meeting that went pretty late. A lot of work and stress now. I learn that I'm not fit for any leadership positions. I can't make decisions that affects everyone and our club budget, you know.
Friday: Class. Free BBQ at Roberts. And I did this experiment on strategic planning, where if you think a bit harder you can earn more money. I earned $48.30 LOL, a few dollars more then most people.
Monday: MCAC Tea drinking + GFN volunteers appreciation party
Tuesday: Study for exam on Thursday.
Wednesday: MCAC BBQ! Was awesome.
Thursday: Exam, then TripleC meeting that went pretty late. A lot of work and stress now. I learn that I'm not fit for any leadership positions. I can't make decisions that affects everyone and our club budget, you know.
Friday: Class. Free BBQ at Roberts. And I did this experiment on strategic planning, where if you think a bit harder you can earn more money. I earned $48.30 LOL, a few dollars more then most people.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Choices.. choices.. choices...
OMFG 5 AM.. SKATE BOARDERS. FUCKING SKATE BOARDERS. DO YOU HAVE TO SKATE AND LAUGH REALLY LOUDLY IN YOUR GROUP AT 5 AM?!! Some people are actually trying to sleep here!! And last night was funny. I went to my bed at 10:30 PM intending to rest for like half and hour and ended up falling asleep with my glasses on. Woke up at 3 AM, all like.. WTF. There goes my assignment, lol. But yeah, I went to sleep anyway and woke up at 6 (well cept for the skate boarders waking me up and keeping me up at 5).
It was a simple day. I spent the entire time on my ENH1990 Essay, lol. Almost done. Actually it is done. But not to a quality that I can get a D. I wanna try to get a D at least. Hopefully a C, haven't gotten anything lower. Will probably go berserk if I got a Pass. Latter half of the day, around 4 PM-ish I started working on my cake thingy for tomorrow. Since some certain... people... insisted on eating my cake. I made it. And dinner at the same time. I experimented and tried to make chocolate icing also, and burnt half the chocolate (my bad) but most of it can still be used. I had a lot of good fun drinking the leftover chocolate in the saucepan that I couldn't pour into the container.
And after that, a new email! OMG!! LIFE AND DEATH CHOICE HERE! Okay, it isn't life and death. But... it's my HOME. MY HOME IS MY LIFE! So... I had a choice of either... right now, the Panorama house lady is asking me whether we still want the place. Or waiting for what the Townhouse lady says about the house we want, and whether we can get it. THIS IS A GAMBLE! I dunno what to do! Should I take the safe choice but with a less nicer house, or take the gamble for the nicer house which I may not get and will be left homeless / left to stay in the goddamn Halls?! I... don't know. *sobs*
I can live with both houses but ... I want the nicer one truthfully. Obviously. I mean it has a living room area and an awesome kitchen. And it's just the 4 of us. The place feels like home. The Panorama house I guess is still better then the Halls (and a lot cheaper then all the other choices) but it's... not the most homely place. And we have to live with a random guy and there's no living room.
Decisions... decisions... can't concentrate... to finish my assignment... @____@
It was a simple day. I spent the entire time on my ENH1990 Essay, lol. Almost done. Actually it is done. But not to a quality that I can get a D. I wanna try to get a D at least. Hopefully a C, haven't gotten anything lower. Will probably go berserk if I got a Pass. Latter half of the day, around 4 PM-ish I started working on my cake thingy for tomorrow. Since some certain... people... insisted on eating my cake. I made it. And dinner at the same time. I experimented and tried to make chocolate icing also, and burnt half the chocolate (my bad) but most of it can still be used. I had a lot of good fun drinking the leftover chocolate in the saucepan that I couldn't pour into the container.
And after that, a new email! OMG!! LIFE AND DEATH CHOICE HERE! Okay, it isn't life and death. But... it's my HOME. MY HOME IS MY LIFE! So... I had a choice of either... right now, the Panorama house lady is asking me whether we still want the place. Or waiting for what the Townhouse lady says about the house we want, and whether we can get it. THIS IS A GAMBLE! I dunno what to do! Should I take the safe choice but with a less nicer house, or take the gamble for the nicer house which I may not get and will be left homeless / left to stay in the goddamn Halls?! I... don't know. *sobs*
I can live with both houses but ... I want the nicer one truthfully. Obviously. I mean it has a living room area and an awesome kitchen. And it's just the 4 of us. The place feels like home. The Panorama house I guess is still better then the Halls (and a lot cheaper then all the other choices) but it's... not the most homely place. And we have to live with a random guy and there's no living room.
Decisions... decisions... can't concentrate... to finish my assignment... @____@
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Assignment Stress
So watch as the assignment stress start to get to me. I must be the only one still stressing about assignments. Everyone else is studying. I won't study much for another week, lol. Although being an Arts student and all... exams aren't worth that much for me anyway.
Got up at 7, went to Brandom Park at around 10:30 with Amanda and the group. Bought a lot of things (there goes $70). It was all fairly standard. Ate lunch at Farrer with the group and decided to try out making those cookies for MCAC. I burnt the cookies and they didn't taste that good... so I fed it all to the various residents of Farrer Lords. I don't want to give it to MCAC and have Chris make fun of me and my bad baking. Tomorrow I shall have to work on that damn cake for Monday's GFN volunteer dinner thingy.
While baking, everyone else went to study or sleep. So I spent the afternoon munching on my own cookies in Farrer Hall and reading some notes for my exam on Thursday. At 4:30 people started waking up and coming in to study. I was telling everyone how in English Literature for some reason the various critical analysis' on children's stories eventually goes sexual. And we had a good laugh when Amanda began to study and read her chemistry related notes. You know, since they involve test tubes and stuff going hard.. or soft.. or rubbery... XD XD Damn, we're all corrupted. Anyway, I uhh... skipped dinner since I was never hungry at all. Around 6:30 I decided to go back to my room to work on my assignment on Alice and Wonderland. Bleh. It isn't going well. I have no idea what I'm writing and it all sounds really terrible. And I can't find any references.
I forgot to mention that I got a C for my Education assignment. It's worth 50%. Bleh, fuck. Just what I need, a friken credit, lol. Now I'll need a HD to get a D at the end. Which is probably impossible for me (although I pulled that off last semester). I don't even have the time to write my second assignment.
Got up at 7, went to Brandom Park at around 10:30 with Amanda and the group. Bought a lot of things (there goes $70). It was all fairly standard. Ate lunch at Farrer with the group and decided to try out making those cookies for MCAC. I burnt the cookies and they didn't taste that good... so I fed it all to the various residents of Farrer Lords. I don't want to give it to MCAC and have Chris make fun of me and my bad baking. Tomorrow I shall have to work on that damn cake for Monday's GFN volunteer dinner thingy.
While baking, everyone else went to study or sleep. So I spent the afternoon munching on my own cookies in Farrer Hall and reading some notes for my exam on Thursday. At 4:30 people started waking up and coming in to study. I was telling everyone how in English Literature for some reason the various critical analysis' on children's stories eventually goes sexual. And we had a good laugh when Amanda began to study and read her chemistry related notes. You know, since they involve test tubes and stuff going hard.. or soft.. or rubbery... XD XD Damn, we're all corrupted. Anyway, I uhh... skipped dinner since I was never hungry at all. Around 6:30 I decided to go back to my room to work on my assignment on Alice and Wonderland. Bleh. It isn't going well. I have no idea what I'm writing and it all sounds really terrible. And I can't find any references.
I forgot to mention that I got a C for my Education assignment. It's worth 50%. Bleh, fuck. Just what I need, a friken credit, lol. Now I'll need a HD to get a D at the end. Which is probably impossible for me (although I pulled that off last semester). I don't even have the time to write my second assignment.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Geh, I'm homeless! For next year that is. As of right now. So I got up at like 6, class at 10 AM. On my way, Vu yelled my name out in the campus centre (him and Drue were chilling at Coffee HQ). I basically looked at them, asked Vu why he wasn't at his meeting (that prompted him to move) and continued walking since I was already late for class. Stopped at Matheson to return a library book, the MCAC committee members were meeting there at 10 for their meeting, Raine also told me to come but I didn't want to miss my Education lecture.
Education was... boring as usual. Just came and went. At 12 when I came out, the temperature dropped dearly as it rained while I was in class. Watch as I freeze my ass off. I decided not to spend my 2 hours alone in the Menzies this time, since I had nothing to read, so I went back to the Halls. Stan was walking toward the Halls also. So yeah, media studies lecture. Boring as usual. I had planned to drop media next year but like... then I saw the units for next year.
COM2100 or something like that... Computer and Video Games. I want to study that! And then semester two has COM2133 or something like that... Animation Culture. I want to study that too! LOL. I know that unit even has parts about anime in it. I would so love to write an essay on that. Maybe I'll drop EIL instead... even though it means I'll have to suffer the terribleness of media at second year level now. But it might not be so bad if it's about things... I actually like. But I wonder this might be a waste of time for me. I should take units that are useful...
Media studies lecture finished early, so I just sat on a bean bag in the Menzies and silently waited. Rachel came along and we had a good chat. Been a while, heh. Then class. After class I waited at the campus centre for Amanda and co. to come as we had ANOTHER house inspection. The house wasn't far from uni, but we were unfamiliar with the area and ended up walking a HUGE circle around the are rather then just cutting across one short road.
The house we saw was.. uhh... bleh. The front door wasn't used, it had no path and was overgrown with grass and covered in plants. So people come in from the bank. We couldn't really see rooms because the residents seemed generally unwilling, but the place was kind of dirty and cramped. I was looking at the front hall and it was covered in electric fans on the ground and the front door was boarded up. There wasn't even a guarantee of 4 rooms next year either. So yeah, the inspection was a waste of time if you ask me. When we left it was raining so we were stranded for a bit, but luckily not by very much so we could run out with our hoods (gave Stan my umbrella since he had no hood).
BAD NEWS. We basically decided to get that townhouse I spoke about (the nice one at Hourigane Avenue). But yeah, the lady said that there were another group of people who came before us and wanted it also. She could at least told us when we came... bleh. It's up to the landlord now who gets the place. Will find out by next week. OMG, if I don't get this I dunno what to do. Since the Panorama house is probably gone by now (agent stopped contacting me, lol). Homeless... next year. *sniffs* I dunno if I can keep going with these house inspections. I've been to 8 already!!
Spent the remaining night (was 6 by the time we returned), eating dinner, working on assignment, on the Internet and sleep. I'm really tired. Might sleep a bit more tomorrow. I thought I would go to Brandon Park with Amanda and the group instead of my own for once.
Education was... boring as usual. Just came and went. At 12 when I came out, the temperature dropped dearly as it rained while I was in class. Watch as I freeze my ass off. I decided not to spend my 2 hours alone in the Menzies this time, since I had nothing to read, so I went back to the Halls. Stan was walking toward the Halls also. So yeah, media studies lecture. Boring as usual. I had planned to drop media next year but like... then I saw the units for next year.
COM2100 or something like that... Computer and Video Games. I want to study that! And then semester two has COM2133 or something like that... Animation Culture. I want to study that too! LOL. I know that unit even has parts about anime in it. I would so love to write an essay on that. Maybe I'll drop EIL instead... even though it means I'll have to suffer the terribleness of media at second year level now. But it might not be so bad if it's about things... I actually like. But I wonder this might be a waste of time for me. I should take units that are useful...
Media studies lecture finished early, so I just sat on a bean bag in the Menzies and silently waited. Rachel came along and we had a good chat. Been a while, heh. Then class. After class I waited at the campus centre for Amanda and co. to come as we had ANOTHER house inspection. The house wasn't far from uni, but we were unfamiliar with the area and ended up walking a HUGE circle around the are rather then just cutting across one short road.
The house we saw was.. uhh... bleh. The front door wasn't used, it had no path and was overgrown with grass and covered in plants. So people come in from the bank. We couldn't really see rooms because the residents seemed generally unwilling, but the place was kind of dirty and cramped. I was looking at the front hall and it was covered in electric fans on the ground and the front door was boarded up. There wasn't even a guarantee of 4 rooms next year either. So yeah, the inspection was a waste of time if you ask me. When we left it was raining so we were stranded for a bit, but luckily not by very much so we could run out with our hoods (gave Stan my umbrella since he had no hood).
BAD NEWS. We basically decided to get that townhouse I spoke about (the nice one at Hourigane Avenue). But yeah, the lady said that there were another group of people who came before us and wanted it also. She could at least told us when we came... bleh. It's up to the landlord now who gets the place. Will find out by next week. OMG, if I don't get this I dunno what to do. Since the Panorama house is probably gone by now (agent stopped contacting me, lol). Homeless... next year. *sniffs* I dunno if I can keep going with these house inspections. I've been to 8 already!!
Spent the remaining night (was 6 by the time we returned), eating dinner, working on assignment, on the Internet and sleep. I'm really tired. Might sleep a bit more tomorrow. I thought I would go to Brandon Park with Amanda and the group instead of my own for once.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
And the search continues...
Digging deeper into a hole once again! I haven't done much on my essay.
Today was dull. Woke up at 6, went to class at 9. For a 2 hour tutorial, it became 45 minutes. Raine was so late the class finished before she got there. Then lunch with MCAC. Sat around bored. Met a member named G that I never met before. Everyone was generally quiet and busy. Then class for Northern Lights. It was... interesting, but I can't falling asleep. After that, inspection. Started raining, boo boo. But V drove us (me, Jia Chee and Sharon). We checked out this house which was fairly cheap with a good location. It was an unfurnished average looking house. The kitchen was nice and new but the bathroom was really old. I'm hoping they are still in the process of refurbishing the bathrooms.
We weren't really that impressed with it though. It had a nice little patio area though for BBQ's. Guess we're still leaning towards the Townhouse at Hourigan Avenue, despite it's higher price and lack of yard (which is a good thing also). After inspection, we went to Coles. I didn't do much after, V drove me back to the Halls and I've been trying to get word done by failing at it miserably.
One more inspection which Amanda has volunteered to arrange since I'm too lazy now. If not, I think we should just accept the Townhouse. Might burn a hole in our pocket but... it's a pretty nice place to live I think.
Today was dull. Woke up at 6, went to class at 9. For a 2 hour tutorial, it became 45 minutes. Raine was so late the class finished before she got there. Then lunch with MCAC. Sat around bored. Met a member named G that I never met before. Everyone was generally quiet and busy. Then class for Northern Lights. It was... interesting, but I can't falling asleep. After that, inspection. Started raining, boo boo. But V drove us (me, Jia Chee and Sharon). We checked out this house which was fairly cheap with a good location. It was an unfurnished average looking house. The kitchen was nice and new but the bathroom was really old. I'm hoping they are still in the process of refurbishing the bathrooms.
We weren't really that impressed with it though. It had a nice little patio area though for BBQ's. Guess we're still leaning towards the Townhouse at Hourigan Avenue, despite it's higher price and lack of yard (which is a good thing also). After inspection, we went to Coles. I didn't do much after, V drove me back to the Halls and I've been trying to get word done by failing at it miserably.
One more inspection which Amanda has volunteered to arrange since I'm too lazy now. If not, I think we should just accept the Townhouse. Might burn a hole in our pocket but... it's a pretty nice place to live I think.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
The memories....
Talked with an old friend of mine, Imisha, all of a sudden. It's been like... years... since I've seen her. Seems she's going to Canada and probably will never return to Brunei. Meaning I probably will not see her ever again. It's odd. Unlike everyone else who can return to Malaysia or wherever to see their old friends, I just can't do that anymore. There's almost no one left and it will probably stay this way. With the exception of Manju and Liz, who I expect has Brunei has a fairly permanent home. But everyone else... is... gone.
An International school student doesn't have it easy. Meeting childhood friends? Impossible for me. There are all from different countries around the world.
This probably made it worse for me but I had Linkin Park's "In the End" playing in the background. Just read the lyrics to that, OMG, hit me like a rock, lol.
I barely have any memories left of my time when I was with Imisha. I can only remember the many ways I mistreated our friendship. Cause I was an annoying, troubled and shitty kid. I always avoid trying to remember anything because I don't want to anymore. My time at ISB wasn't that bad, I WAS the one who MADE it bad. Aww... damn. And the chance to fix it up is gone now. We don't even know each other anymore. We're like strangers now, I could probably walk past her in public without recognizing her.
I wonder if I should go for the house inspection tomorrow or not. I dunno. Wish I had a car.
An International school student doesn't have it easy. Meeting childhood friends? Impossible for me. There are all from different countries around the world.
This probably made it worse for me but I had Linkin Park's "In the End" playing in the background. Just read the lyrics to that, OMG, hit me like a rock, lol.
I barely have any memories left of my time when I was with Imisha. I can only remember the many ways I mistreated our friendship. Cause I was an annoying, troubled and shitty kid. I always avoid trying to remember anything because I don't want to anymore. My time at ISB wasn't that bad, I WAS the one who MADE it bad. Aww... damn. And the chance to fix it up is gone now. We don't even know each other anymore. We're like strangers now, I could probably walk past her in public without recognizing her.
I wonder if I should go for the house inspection tomorrow or not. I dunno. Wish I had a car.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Two days....
Found another house to inspect tomorrow. Boo though, wish I had a car. Don't feel like calling V again for the 15000th time, I shouldn't really. Dunno if I will go to Clayton to get the keys, go to the house, go to Clayton to return the keys and then get back to the Halls. It's just too much.
My day plan on Tuesday was to just go for some house inspections, then work all afternoon and night on my assignment. What happened in the actual day? Nothing as I planned. Yes, once again I am not doing my work. Watch as I dig myself deeper into a hole. T.T
So yeah, I had a house inspection at 10 AM. I woke up at 7, phoned V at 9 and then Stan called. Apparently he's coming also. I went a bit early to uni to get some free pancakes (every Tuesday!), but apparently they only started cooking at 9:45-ish (although they're supposed to start at 9:30). So I went for house inspection instead, and get the free pancakes later. At like 10:15, Amanda finally managed to get out of class and we made our way by car to the house. Uhh... the house was... decent. Actually, it was pretty good. It had a fairly large kitchen where the kitchen had this cute window kind of thing that opens to the living room. The problem? The house was dirty which kind of ruined first impressions, and like... it's too far. The house is just too far from uni. The guy said like 15 - 20 minutes but... no way. It's gonna take me like 30 minutes to walk to there. The place is like only 5 minutes away from Clayton shops. And well... Clayton shops isn't that far from uni but... it isn't right next door either. T.T
So yeah, me and Amanda wasn't too impressed. Nor was V and Stan. So we made our way back to uni, and we had to pick up a certain lease agreement document at 11. So we went back for some pancakes first but... NO MORE PANCAKES. *sobs* I'll never get any! Next week is my last week! Gimme the pancakes at least once. If I don't... I'm gonna make pancakes myself, lol. Boo. At around 11:10, we got Sharon to join us and thus made our way to the house to get the agreement. We had another quick inspection, and Stan read through the agreement to give us his okay. A house townhouse ad from these Chinese people I found the other day stuck in my mind though. They ahd told me to phone them again on Tuesday. So I went back to Halls and when Amanda finished class, she phoned them (I was worried about phoning myself because of communication problems, I really did have trouble last week and I'm normally pretty used to different English accents, hanging around so many different types of people). They weren't... very friendly. I mean they asked Amanda whether she was China Chinese and stuff (I was listening and wondering why Amanda had to say she was Malaysian, it's illegal in Australia to discriminate someone about who can or cannot move in). The guy was only more pleasant to Amanda when she started talking Canto. T.T
While searching for the ad again for the Chinese townhouse, I found another ad for another townhouse! Lo' and behold, it was Hourigan Avenue. The street I walked by SO MANY FRICKEN times just to get to Izzati's place. @.@ So yeah, Amanda phoned straight after and we got an inspection at 2 PM! Sharon wanted to come and she phoned V to drive us AGAIN... I felt bad but... oh well. V and Tsan were at Coles so we waited until past 3 at the Airport Lounge and MUISS. Natalie joined us for a while as she was bored and looking for MCAC people, lol. So yeah, V and Tsan came back to uni, and we made our way to the house.
We had trouble finding the house first off, but we eventually did. The house was lovely! Sharon was really excited about the place, and I felt a bit better at this. I kind of thought... the past 2 weeks of house hunting, I've been dragging everyone along with me when everyone else had no spirit to look for a place. The lack of enthusiasm made me insecure, I kind of felt like maybe everyone was just going along with me... cause I wanted to find.. a nice place. So yeah, I was really happy to see Sharon happy. Amanda wasn't as hyper but she seemed happy with the place also, and I really like it to. It's more expensive, and it isn't furnished unfortunately, although the previous owners are willing to sell us their current furnishings. We went back to the Halls to discuss and calculate and see whether we can all afford the place. V liked the place also although Tsan and Stan were more on the "no" side. From what I could tell, Tsan liked Panorama more just cause it's more complete, lack of furnishings in this house is troublesome. While Stan felt it... lacked... something. Might be just how the house was setup.
At the Halls, we talked.. for quite a while. Listing down pros and cons. Eventually we realised, as Stan also mentioned when we kept asking for his opinion, that our hearts were set on this new place. We just couldn't go back to Panorama despite the number of huges cons Hourigan Ave has. Anyway, we decided to sleep on it and see what will happen. Amanda sent emails to the current tenant on furniture prices and other questions.
Amanda and the rest of the Farrer people were going to Sophia's at night and then a movie ("Hairspray"). I wanted to go but... assignment. But... I went in the end. Sophia's was lovely though! Yummy pasta again, too bad we didn't have enough time for dessert. Then the cinema. OMG, lol, I had fun with the mirrors at Glen Waverly while we were waiting for V and Tsan to get there. The ones that make you into a CHIBI. I was a CHIBI. Bwahahahahahaha!!
Umm... yeah. "Hairspray" was an interesting movie. It's a musical... sort of thing. Everyone is singing and dancing. About a pretty fat girl who wants to make it big on this popular dancing TV program, and yeah... elements about the battle between racial segregation and appearance and differences in general. And how all that doesn't matter with talent. Anyway, after that we headed home and I went to sleep, lol, since it was like 11:30 by the time the movie finished.
Wednesday... uhh... spent some time looking at my assignment question. Then went for lunch at MCAC. It was a fairly quiet lunch, a lot of people (Raine and Drue in particular) were not in the most cheery of moods. Overwhelmed by stress unfortunately. I hope they will be more genki tomorrow or next week. Only me and Raine were at the cellar room, and we got thrown out by these people who booked it for prayers. So yeah, Drue and Nat had their stall setup in the campus centre so we all just hung there. Wednesday lunches normally have more people so it wasn't too bad. Moo-chan made these... interesting.. desserts... which he couldn't name. Umm.. it had an acquired taste. Alex and Max liked it. I thought it tasted like kueh, which isn't bad per se, just not one of my favourite foods. Hope I didn't hurt Moo-chan's feelings. T.T
Amanda came to screenings! We just hung about talking. At the end of it, 10 of us including me and Amanda agreed to pay $10 to get Drue and Vu to wear... maid outfits during next week's BBQ. It will.... be quite a sight to see. Oh right, the BBQ. Nat made these invites with Vu's face all over. We were expecting him to lose it and kill us but all we got was a "What is this? What the fuck is this?!". Booorring. At least... break the projector or something.
After screenings we just sat around at the Main Dining Hall. We arm wrestled again! I lost to Amanda and Nat again. And OMFG Bernie is a monster! She defeated me in like 2 seconds (when it comes to Nat and Amanda, I give up, not that they actually get my hand down). But I just couldn't keep up with Bernie. I know she became strong lugging around DVDs all of last semester but... wow.
When I got back to Halls I saw another new 4 BR house I can go inspect. But I'm kind of lazy. I have to go to the office to get the keys then go to the house. And I have no car. *sighs*
On to assignments and reading....
My day plan on Tuesday was to just go for some house inspections, then work all afternoon and night on my assignment. What happened in the actual day? Nothing as I planned. Yes, once again I am not doing my work. Watch as I dig myself deeper into a hole. T.T
So yeah, I had a house inspection at 10 AM. I woke up at 7, phoned V at 9 and then Stan called. Apparently he's coming also. I went a bit early to uni to get some free pancakes (every Tuesday!), but apparently they only started cooking at 9:45-ish (although they're supposed to start at 9:30). So I went for house inspection instead, and get the free pancakes later. At like 10:15, Amanda finally managed to get out of class and we made our way by car to the house. Uhh... the house was... decent. Actually, it was pretty good. It had a fairly large kitchen where the kitchen had this cute window kind of thing that opens to the living room. The problem? The house was dirty which kind of ruined first impressions, and like... it's too far. The house is just too far from uni. The guy said like 15 - 20 minutes but... no way. It's gonna take me like 30 minutes to walk to there. The place is like only 5 minutes away from Clayton shops. And well... Clayton shops isn't that far from uni but... it isn't right next door either. T.T
So yeah, me and Amanda wasn't too impressed. Nor was V and Stan. So we made our way back to uni, and we had to pick up a certain lease agreement document at 11. So we went back for some pancakes first but... NO MORE PANCAKES. *sobs* I'll never get any! Next week is my last week! Gimme the pancakes at least once. If I don't... I'm gonna make pancakes myself, lol. Boo. At around 11:10, we got Sharon to join us and thus made our way to the house to get the agreement. We had another quick inspection, and Stan read through the agreement to give us his okay. A house townhouse ad from these Chinese people I found the other day stuck in my mind though. They ahd told me to phone them again on Tuesday. So I went back to Halls and when Amanda finished class, she phoned them (I was worried about phoning myself because of communication problems, I really did have trouble last week and I'm normally pretty used to different English accents, hanging around so many different types of people). They weren't... very friendly. I mean they asked Amanda whether she was China Chinese and stuff (I was listening and wondering why Amanda had to say she was Malaysian, it's illegal in Australia to discriminate someone about who can or cannot move in). The guy was only more pleasant to Amanda when she started talking Canto. T.T
While searching for the ad again for the Chinese townhouse, I found another ad for another townhouse! Lo' and behold, it was Hourigan Avenue. The street I walked by SO MANY FRICKEN times just to get to Izzati's place. @.@ So yeah, Amanda phoned straight after and we got an inspection at 2 PM! Sharon wanted to come and she phoned V to drive us AGAIN... I felt bad but... oh well. V and Tsan were at Coles so we waited until past 3 at the Airport Lounge and MUISS. Natalie joined us for a while as she was bored and looking for MCAC people, lol. So yeah, V and Tsan came back to uni, and we made our way to the house.
We had trouble finding the house first off, but we eventually did. The house was lovely! Sharon was really excited about the place, and I felt a bit better at this. I kind of thought... the past 2 weeks of house hunting, I've been dragging everyone along with me when everyone else had no spirit to look for a place. The lack of enthusiasm made me insecure, I kind of felt like maybe everyone was just going along with me... cause I wanted to find.. a nice place. So yeah, I was really happy to see Sharon happy. Amanda wasn't as hyper but she seemed happy with the place also, and I really like it to. It's more expensive, and it isn't furnished unfortunately, although the previous owners are willing to sell us their current furnishings. We went back to the Halls to discuss and calculate and see whether we can all afford the place. V liked the place also although Tsan and Stan were more on the "no" side. From what I could tell, Tsan liked Panorama more just cause it's more complete, lack of furnishings in this house is troublesome. While Stan felt it... lacked... something. Might be just how the house was setup.
At the Halls, we talked.. for quite a while. Listing down pros and cons. Eventually we realised, as Stan also mentioned when we kept asking for his opinion, that our hearts were set on this new place. We just couldn't go back to Panorama despite the number of huges cons Hourigan Ave has. Anyway, we decided to sleep on it and see what will happen. Amanda sent emails to the current tenant on furniture prices and other questions.
Amanda and the rest of the Farrer people were going to Sophia's at night and then a movie ("Hairspray"). I wanted to go but... assignment. But... I went in the end. Sophia's was lovely though! Yummy pasta again, too bad we didn't have enough time for dessert. Then the cinema. OMG, lol, I had fun with the mirrors at Glen Waverly while we were waiting for V and Tsan to get there. The ones that make you into a CHIBI. I was a CHIBI. Bwahahahahahaha!!
Umm... yeah. "Hairspray" was an interesting movie. It's a musical... sort of thing. Everyone is singing and dancing. About a pretty fat girl who wants to make it big on this popular dancing TV program, and yeah... elements about the battle between racial segregation and appearance and differences in general. And how all that doesn't matter with talent. Anyway, after that we headed home and I went to sleep, lol, since it was like 11:30 by the time the movie finished.
Wednesday... uhh... spent some time looking at my assignment question. Then went for lunch at MCAC. It was a fairly quiet lunch, a lot of people (Raine and Drue in particular) were not in the most cheery of moods. Overwhelmed by stress unfortunately. I hope they will be more genki tomorrow or next week. Only me and Raine were at the cellar room, and we got thrown out by these people who booked it for prayers. So yeah, Drue and Nat had their stall setup in the campus centre so we all just hung there. Wednesday lunches normally have more people so it wasn't too bad. Moo-chan made these... interesting.. desserts... which he couldn't name. Umm.. it had an acquired taste. Alex and Max liked it. I thought it tasted like kueh, which isn't bad per se, just not one of my favourite foods. Hope I didn't hurt Moo-chan's feelings. T.T
Amanda came to screenings! We just hung about talking. At the end of it, 10 of us including me and Amanda agreed to pay $10 to get Drue and Vu to wear... maid outfits during next week's BBQ. It will.... be quite a sight to see. Oh right, the BBQ. Nat made these invites with Vu's face all over. We were expecting him to lose it and kill us but all we got was a "What is this? What the fuck is this?!". Booorring. At least... break the projector or something.
After screenings we just sat around at the Main Dining Hall. We arm wrestled again! I lost to Amanda and Nat again. And OMFG Bernie is a monster! She defeated me in like 2 seconds (when it comes to Nat and Amanda, I give up, not that they actually get my hand down). But I just couldn't keep up with Bernie. I know she became strong lugging around DVDs all of last semester but... wow.
When I got back to Halls I saw another new 4 BR house I can go inspect. But I'm kind of lazy. I have to go to the office to get the keys then go to the house. And I have no car. *sighs*
On to assignments and reading....
Monday, 8 October 2007
...busy...busy... *sobs*
Okay, watch as my pressure builds up. I REALLY need to do more work. ARRGHH!!
I got up at like 6 AM, and continued reading "Northern Lights", now on Monday night I'm only like on page 256 or something. Dammit, I have like 150 pages left. Can't do that by tomorrow! At 12:45-ish I went to uni to see Drue and co. Since they have their stall there to advertise the Karaoke night joint with the Caulfield Anime Club. Which I'm not going since me and Amanda have our flights like on the same day (or the day after, but my flight islike 5 minutes past the 18th, so I still consider that 17). I'm so sad. Miss the chance to see Nazri... Drue... Sharon (MCAC)... and co. singing. And becoming friends with the Caulfield guys. I dunno any of them. By the time I come back next year, everyone are friends with the Caulfield guys (if they're not already) and I haven't even met any of them! Noooes, left behind....
We sat around for hours, lol. Past 4, we shifted over to the cellar room since GFN starts at 5 (for volunteers). And yeah, did the usual, moved furniture around while everyone from the club just watched. T.T My brownies were kind of a success.... Drue, Chris and co. wasn't really that impressed, but I think I got decent compliments from GFN-ners like Han Lin and Tsan. Max seemed to like it though (and Nat never ate any ;__;) Probably just needs decorations to be sellable. But yeah, HL and Winston liked the batik cake I made a while back so uhh... yay... compliments from the master chefs themselves! >.>
Last GFN was made up of... DDR (this time using Bernie's mats, ps2 and games!), so the anime club monopolized it the most (although it was our... or should I say our fellow member's equipment, cept for the TV). Everyone had fun playing Uno Stacko though. We got some first timers there, uhh... Tam who stayed for a bit, Sharon (MCAC one) anddd... Jason. Who stayed finally. And Nazri finally stayed also (he normally doesn't). Yeah, the uno stacko! Maybe we should look into getting one for the club, it might be a way to make our lunches together more interesting for when we get bored occasionally. Oh and DDR... Chris beated me! AND HE'S A CRIPPLE TODAY. The guy was limping the entire day, and his arm can't move much. And he still beat me (and everyone else cept for Bernie) so yeah... bleh. I said I would train during my time in Brunei and return to challenge him! MY ARCH ENEMY.
After GFN we headed to maccas. Uhh.. that is, Drue, me, Amanda, Bernie, Alex and Vu. Sharon, Jason and Chris apparently went home to do work. Didn't stay too long since we all have work (except for Alex, who's work is to play... a certain video game). T.T Me and Amanda shared a "Crunchie" McFlurry there, which I didn't think was that nice. I want purely Oreos next time, lol. At maccas we... did random things like go through each others wallets and laugh at each others fugly ID photos.
Housing... is getting complicated again. I got a call from this guy who saw an ad I posted up online at the Monash Marketplace message board about needing a 4 bedroom house. So I arranged for inspection at 10. It's just me and Amanda and I didn't feel comfortable walking to a strangers house with just us two girls so we decided to call V and ask him to drive/accompany us. I'll probably take a look before heading to the previously mentioned house to look at the lease agreement. I will be skipping my lecture tomorrow for the house inspection (lecture is at 10 lol...). Oh well. Housing is more important!
Either way, both houses I'm looking at is close to Tsan's place. Ehehe, I can crash their place more often next year. XD This house inspection I'm going for tomorrow is pretty far from uni though. Probably a 25 minute walk for me (the guy said 15 - 20 minutes but I walk too slow). And it's more expensive. Hopefully it's a nice house.
Anyway, I'll just do a bit more reading and then sleep.
I got up at like 6 AM, and continued reading "Northern Lights", now on Monday night I'm only like on page 256 or something. Dammit, I have like 150 pages left. Can't do that by tomorrow! At 12:45-ish I went to uni to see Drue and co. Since they have their stall there to advertise the Karaoke night joint with the Caulfield Anime Club. Which I'm not going since me and Amanda have our flights like on the same day (or the day after, but my flight islike 5 minutes past the 18th, so I still consider that 17). I'm so sad. Miss the chance to see Nazri... Drue... Sharon (MCAC)... and co. singing. And becoming friends with the Caulfield guys. I dunno any of them. By the time I come back next year, everyone are friends with the Caulfield guys (if they're not already) and I haven't even met any of them! Noooes, left behind....
We sat around for hours, lol. Past 4, we shifted over to the cellar room since GFN starts at 5 (for volunteers). And yeah, did the usual, moved furniture around while everyone from the club just watched. T.T My brownies were kind of a success.... Drue, Chris and co. wasn't really that impressed, but I think I got decent compliments from GFN-ners like Han Lin and Tsan. Max seemed to like it though (and Nat never ate any ;__;) Probably just needs decorations to be sellable. But yeah, HL and Winston liked the batik cake I made a while back so uhh... yay... compliments from the master chefs themselves! >.>
Last GFN was made up of... DDR (this time using Bernie's mats, ps2 and games!), so the anime club monopolized it the most (although it was our... or should I say our fellow member's equipment, cept for the TV). Everyone had fun playing Uno Stacko though. We got some first timers there, uhh... Tam who stayed for a bit, Sharon (MCAC one) anddd... Jason. Who stayed finally. And Nazri finally stayed also (he normally doesn't). Yeah, the uno stacko! Maybe we should look into getting one for the club, it might be a way to make our lunches together more interesting for when we get bored occasionally. Oh and DDR... Chris beated me! AND HE'S A CRIPPLE TODAY. The guy was limping the entire day, and his arm can't move much. And he still beat me (and everyone else cept for Bernie) so yeah... bleh. I said I would train during my time in Brunei and return to challenge him! MY ARCH ENEMY.
After GFN we headed to maccas. Uhh.. that is, Drue, me, Amanda, Bernie, Alex and Vu. Sharon, Jason and Chris apparently went home to do work. Didn't stay too long since we all have work (except for Alex, who's work is to play... a certain video game). T.T Me and Amanda shared a "Crunchie" McFlurry there, which I didn't think was that nice. I want purely Oreos next time, lol. At maccas we... did random things like go through each others wallets and laugh at each others fugly ID photos.
Housing... is getting complicated again. I got a call from this guy who saw an ad I posted up online at the Monash Marketplace message board about needing a 4 bedroom house. So I arranged for inspection at 10. It's just me and Amanda and I didn't feel comfortable walking to a strangers house with just us two girls so we decided to call V and ask him to drive/accompany us. I'll probably take a look before heading to the previously mentioned house to look at the lease agreement. I will be skipping my lecture tomorrow for the house inspection (lecture is at 10 lol...). Oh well. Housing is more important!
Either way, both houses I'm looking at is close to Tsan's place. Ehehe, I can crash their place more often next year. XD This house inspection I'm going for tomorrow is pretty far from uni though. Probably a 25 minute walk for me (the guy said 15 - 20 minutes but I walk too slow). And it's more expensive. Hopefully it's a nice house.
Anyway, I'll just do a bit more reading and then sleep.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
And we're taking the house...
New layout! I got bored of the old one...
So I woke up this morning with an email from the agent / landlord person of that house I previously mentioned. The fully furnished rooming house which wasn't really that impressive. Not exactly the house of your dreams, and Izzati's place is so much better. But yeah, we were offered the place and we decided to take it. Generally because it's unlikely we will be able to find a better location (near to uni, the Clayton shops, Izzati's place, Tsan's place, etc) and it's cheaper then the Halls (at $125/week including everything). And it's furnished, so there's no fuss. I'm glad to get the worry of finding a place to live off my back also. Now I can concentrate on my 3 assignments and exams.
Okay, the house was a bit dark and gloomy when we went over, so hopefully we can make it a more personalised, pleasant and homey place with our... decorations. I'm already planning. When I get back home, I gotta return with some posters, wall hangings and a table cloth. I'm also looking into getting a cheap couch or something for the dining room (or maybe a beanbag chair, they're pretty cool and cheap) and a table and chairs set for the outdoors (one thing we have over others is a huge ass backyard, lol. Since it's a house). Oh and a rug / carpet! Hmm... matching rug and tablecloth would be good for the dining room actually. It'll make it look more pretty since that's room's gonna be like the "communal" area since our house lacks a living room unfortunately (the main reason everyone's turned off by it).
We phoned the agent, and Sharon talked to her into letting us see the lease agreement first before paying the bond. As we don't want to randomly just give out money. The woman actually asked to pay today (Sunday) but that's just ridiculous. I don't even have enough money with me, lol. Yeah, went over to Farrer Hall for lunch with the group, and I baked / tried out the brownie mix for the MCAC cafe next year. Uhh... me, Amanda, Jia Chee, Sharon and Stan ate like half the cake, haha. I'll be bringing the rest over to GFN tomorrow to give to MCAC people who are there. The cake / brownies were nice but... it looked too ugly. Far too ugly to sell. Back to the drawing board for me. Gotta improve baking skills over the summer.
Went back to the room. Generally spent the time reading English Lit novel ("Northern Lights" the last book for the semester, I wanna finish it so I can at least go to ONE lecture that I actually understand what the hell the lecturer is saying). Jia Chee invited me over for dinner, so with some of my leftovers from yesterday, I had some yummy mushroom, cabbage, eggplants and prawns to go with my rice. *is so happy Jia Chee can cook* Ehehehe. On to finish Northern Lights!
So I woke up this morning with an email from the agent / landlord person of that house I previously mentioned. The fully furnished rooming house which wasn't really that impressive. Not exactly the house of your dreams, and Izzati's place is so much better. But yeah, we were offered the place and we decided to take it. Generally because it's unlikely we will be able to find a better location (near to uni, the Clayton shops, Izzati's place, Tsan's place, etc) and it's cheaper then the Halls (at $125/week including everything). And it's furnished, so there's no fuss. I'm glad to get the worry of finding a place to live off my back also. Now I can concentrate on my 3 assignments and exams.
Okay, the house was a bit dark and gloomy when we went over, so hopefully we can make it a more personalised, pleasant and homey place with our... decorations. I'm already planning. When I get back home, I gotta return with some posters, wall hangings and a table cloth. I'm also looking into getting a cheap couch or something for the dining room (or maybe a beanbag chair, they're pretty cool and cheap) and a table and chairs set for the outdoors (one thing we have over others is a huge ass backyard, lol. Since it's a house). Oh and a rug / carpet! Hmm... matching rug and tablecloth would be good for the dining room actually. It'll make it look more pretty since that's room's gonna be like the "communal" area since our house lacks a living room unfortunately (the main reason everyone's turned off by it).
We phoned the agent, and Sharon talked to her into letting us see the lease agreement first before paying the bond. As we don't want to randomly just give out money. The woman actually asked to pay today (Sunday) but that's just ridiculous. I don't even have enough money with me, lol. Yeah, went over to Farrer Hall for lunch with the group, and I baked / tried out the brownie mix for the MCAC cafe next year. Uhh... me, Amanda, Jia Chee, Sharon and Stan ate like half the cake, haha. I'll be bringing the rest over to GFN tomorrow to give to MCAC people who are there. The cake / brownies were nice but... it looked too ugly. Far too ugly to sell. Back to the drawing board for me. Gotta improve baking skills over the summer.
Went back to the room. Generally spent the time reading English Lit novel ("Northern Lights" the last book for the semester, I wanna finish it so I can at least go to ONE lecture that I actually understand what the hell the lecturer is saying). Jia Chee invited me over for dinner, so with some of my leftovers from yesterday, I had some yummy mushroom, cabbage, eggplants and prawns to go with my rice. *is so happy Jia Chee can cook* Ehehehe. On to finish Northern Lights!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Getting lazy...
I'm getting kind of lazy blogging. Too busy, too tired.. too everything. So yeah, the past two days. Let me see.
Friday was a boring day. Got up at 6 AM, went for lecture and presentation for Education at 10 AM. The lecture was funny. It was about technology and how it affected education and the lecturer was this obvious WoW geek who told us to all leave our phones on so it could ring during the lecture. No one's phone ever did, although one guy got a message and the lecture was like questioning him about the contents of his message, lol. My presentation went all. The usual happened, it was a bit unbalanced for once, Debbie almost did everything. Oh well. At lunch, I normally spend my 2 hours on my own sleeping in the Menzies. I expected Bernie to pop in but lo' and behold, Chris appeared. Apparently he missed his lecture. He kept me company (we were both silently reading) but I fell asleep on my bean bag. And when I woke up Chris was gone.
Went for media studies lecture + tutorial then finally~ home. I spent most of Friday night working on the MCAC website. Since it's outdated and I told Chris I would work on it in case our potential sponsors may look at the place. At 10-ish I went over to Amanda's place for a bit just to make sure she's coming for our house inspection today (Saturday). They were all watching a movie or something, lol. But yeah, MCAC website! Spent ages on it. I kind of like the finishing results, although it is a bit plain. Might shove up another layout during Summer vacation where I can utilize images of us (which is what I wanted to do originally). I really wanted to make this group picture of us from Manifest into a banner or something...
The picture is missing quite a few people though. Hopefully we can get an even better group picture in the next few weeks.
Saturday. Uhh... I woke up at like... 7 AM. Went to Brandon Park at 9-ish. Stayed there a bit too long staring at... baking stuff. I was considering trying it out for the MCAC cafe. You know, to see if any of it tastes decent to sell. Ran into Amanda and co. as I went back. 11:30 went to find Amanda and everyone for our house inspection. Umm... so yeah, Sharon and Stan weren't ready yet so Amanda, me and Jia Chee went ahead. The house was.... alright. It was a bit small, dark and not a very "homely" place. But it's a lot cheaper compared to the Halls and is pretty close to uni. So yeah, I emailed to apply for it. If we do get it Amanda said we can brighten up the place ourselves to make it like a home. Only bad thing is that some random guy we dunno will be staying with us. Sharon, Stan and Jonathan came later and we even talked to one of the tenants. Apparently she never talks much with her housemates. D: D:
Went back. I wanted to join Amanda and co. for lunch but when I tried to get in by phoning her and Sharon, they didn't pick up. So I went *sobs* and ran back to my room. An hour later Amanda finally saw her phone and let me in. Heh. I got ice cream and Tim Tams though at their place. Yay. Uhh... yeah. We then spent 2 painful hours trying to apply for the pink house mentioned before (the big one). We ran into a lot of problems like... how we have NO REFEREES. Well next to Jimmy, our supervisor/boss at GFN. In the end, we went with V (I don't even know his occupation, but he's like 32... so hopefully that works?) and Jonathan. It was funny, we were like brainstorming people. Potential other referees I blurted outloud were included Mitze, Chris and even Han Lin's cousin, ROFL. XD (I also thought of Jasmine and Drue in my mind hahahaha)
During application, Sharon and Stan fell asleep. Everyone was generally sleepy, so after me and Amanda got the application lodged I went back. Spent the night making some quick dinner, reading and yeah... surfing online. I really need to study.
I reallly reallly really need to study. No more playing for me. Must do the following...
1. Read English Lit novels that I fell behind on (Northern Lights, The Thief Lord, The Princess Bride and the Amulet of Samarkand). This will be difficult because these books are long.
2. Do English Lit Essay.
3. Do Education Assignment.
4. Finish EIL Assignment.
5. Study for EIL Exam.
6. Study for Media Studies Exam.
7. Study for English Lit Exam.
I can do it. I hope. Can't wait to go home.... (I want a welcome from my dear family and Liz and Manju when I get back, lol. Sad that Mag isn't around anymore..... D: D: D: D: D:)
By the way, it seems calling me "Celiney-Beany" is spreading. T.T First Nat did it, then Chris... now even Nazri!! @.@
Friday was a boring day. Got up at 6 AM, went for lecture and presentation for Education at 10 AM. The lecture was funny. It was about technology and how it affected education and the lecturer was this obvious WoW geek who told us to all leave our phones on so it could ring during the lecture. No one's phone ever did, although one guy got a message and the lecture was like questioning him about the contents of his message, lol. My presentation went all. The usual happened, it was a bit unbalanced for once, Debbie almost did everything. Oh well. At lunch, I normally spend my 2 hours on my own sleeping in the Menzies. I expected Bernie to pop in but lo' and behold, Chris appeared. Apparently he missed his lecture. He kept me company (we were both silently reading) but I fell asleep on my bean bag. And when I woke up Chris was gone.
Went for media studies lecture + tutorial then finally~ home. I spent most of Friday night working on the MCAC website. Since it's outdated and I told Chris I would work on it in case our potential sponsors may look at the place. At 10-ish I went over to Amanda's place for a bit just to make sure she's coming for our house inspection today (Saturday). They were all watching a movie or something, lol. But yeah, MCAC website! Spent ages on it. I kind of like the finishing results, although it is a bit plain. Might shove up another layout during Summer vacation where I can utilize images of us (which is what I wanted to do originally). I really wanted to make this group picture of us from Manifest into a banner or something...
Saturday. Uhh... I woke up at like... 7 AM. Went to Brandon Park at 9-ish. Stayed there a bit too long staring at... baking stuff. I was considering trying it out for the MCAC cafe. You know, to see if any of it tastes decent to sell. Ran into Amanda and co. as I went back. 11:30 went to find Amanda and everyone for our house inspection. Umm... so yeah, Sharon and Stan weren't ready yet so Amanda, me and Jia Chee went ahead. The house was.... alright. It was a bit small, dark and not a very "homely" place. But it's a lot cheaper compared to the Halls and is pretty close to uni. So yeah, I emailed to apply for it. If we do get it Amanda said we can brighten up the place ourselves to make it like a home. Only bad thing is that some random guy we dunno will be staying with us. Sharon, Stan and Jonathan came later and we even talked to one of the tenants. Apparently she never talks much with her housemates. D: D:
Went back. I wanted to join Amanda and co. for lunch but when I tried to get in by phoning her and Sharon, they didn't pick up. So I went *sobs* and ran back to my room. An hour later Amanda finally saw her phone and let me in. Heh. I got ice cream and Tim Tams though at their place. Yay. Uhh... yeah. We then spent 2 painful hours trying to apply for the pink house mentioned before (the big one). We ran into a lot of problems like... how we have NO REFEREES. Well next to Jimmy, our supervisor/boss at GFN. In the end, we went with V (I don't even know his occupation, but he's like 32... so hopefully that works?) and Jonathan. It was funny, we were like brainstorming people. Potential other referees I blurted outloud were included Mitze, Chris and even Han Lin's cousin, ROFL. XD (I also thought of Jasmine and Drue in my mind hahahaha)
During application, Sharon and Stan fell asleep. Everyone was generally sleepy, so after me and Amanda got the application lodged I went back. Spent the night making some quick dinner, reading and yeah... surfing online. I really need to study.
I reallly reallly really need to study. No more playing for me. Must do the following...
1. Read English Lit novels that I fell behind on (Northern Lights, The Thief Lord, The Princess Bride and the Amulet of Samarkand). This will be difficult because these books are long.
2. Do English Lit Essay.
3. Do Education Assignment.
4. Finish EIL Assignment.
5. Study for EIL Exam.
6. Study for Media Studies Exam.
7. Study for English Lit Exam.
I can do it. I hope. Can't wait to go home.... (I want a welcome from my dear family and Liz and Manju when I get back, lol. Sad that Mag isn't around anymore..... D: D: D: D: D:)
By the way, it seems calling me "Celiney-Beany" is spreading. T.T First Nat did it, then Chris... now even Nazri!! @.@
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Booo presentations... and houses....
Ahhhh, man. What a downer of a day.
What the hell did I do. I kind of don't remember. Bleh, got up at like 8 AM I think it was, skipped breakfast... went for lunch at 11 AM with MCAC (there was... Chris, Bernie, Sharon, Vu, Drue and Jason...). 12:30... tutorial for english lit. On book I didn't read. Didn't say anything, didn't do anything. I think I fell asleep for five minutes of the class. Didn't help that the tutor is like.. right next to me. So he knew I was doodling, eating chocolate and sleeping in the class.
Went back to "The Secret Hideout", Natalie and Drue were there. V suddenly called and then he called Tsan over to drive her back. Apparently he was gonna drive me, Jia Chee and Sharon (MUISS) to our house inspection. In the end they joined us for it, lol.
The agent was really late for the house inspection. The house was nice though, it was like... on the same road as that house Ieja, Aya and Nabila stayed in before they moved to the Townhouse/Halls.... but yeah, no furnishings. So boo. The house was around the same design as Ieja's place before, except it was all pink. It was nice though... a nice pink and HUGE ass girly house. All for only $420 per week. If only there was furniture... *sighs*.... I was getting a bit down about the housing, the amount of choices we have left are... too limited now. There's no way we'll be able to find a furnished household.
Sharon and me talked for a bit and yeah, I won't give up just yet. Phoned this lady about a rooming house. Where I rent the room and stuff. Not the house. Sharon was worried about the lack of a contract though. And I didn't realise it myself. Forgot that no contract means that we're at the mercy of the landlord. And landlords loooove to take advantage of the insecure students who don't want to risk being thrown out and homeless. But yeah, inspection on Saturday. Let's hope this goes well. But everyone I know who has or is at a rooming house isn't having a good experience with it. Cause the landlord is always trying to fuck everyone up.
Running out of choices. Stress, stress, stress.
Went home. Made dinner (out of random stuff I still have...). Then worked on Education presentation. I struggled with it since I like... wasn't really there at the Melbourne show much. At 10, I went over to Debbie's place since I was getting worried it would be too late to discuss with her. And I ran out of things to type. So we both discussed in my room over what we were generally gonna do tomorrow. Once again, we have a messy unplanned plan. But our presentations are always like this and they always go well!
Heh, I'm generally alone and isolated in all my classes (with the exception of EIL, all my other classes I'm normally the only international student.. cept for media also actually...), I'm pretty lucky to have gotten Debbie as me partner. XD We work fairly well together, despite that fact that we're both like completely different people. I mean I'm like some random Chinese, International student who lives.. well not in a city but a generally urbanised area. And Debbie's a local Australian who grew up on farm land. Tomorrow's our last collaboration together, hope it goes well. No idea whether we will still be partners next year.....
Drue asked me to maccas again but I'll probably take another rain check. I wanna sleep soon....
Oh right, I forgot to say. Last night was funny. The fire alarm went off at like past midnight, and for the first time ever I like... just didn't go, lol. Wasn't bothered. I was telling Chris on msn how I would tell him my last words to my family if there really was a fire. I was expecting my luck to be so bad, you know, like the only time I don't go is the only time there is fire. Seemed like another false alarm though.
What the hell did I do. I kind of don't remember. Bleh, got up at like 8 AM I think it was, skipped breakfast... went for lunch at 11 AM with MCAC (there was... Chris, Bernie, Sharon, Vu, Drue and Jason...). 12:30... tutorial for english lit. On book I didn't read. Didn't say anything, didn't do anything. I think I fell asleep for five minutes of the class. Didn't help that the tutor is like.. right next to me. So he knew I was doodling, eating chocolate and sleeping in the class.
Went back to "The Secret Hideout", Natalie and Drue were there. V suddenly called and then he called Tsan over to drive her back. Apparently he was gonna drive me, Jia Chee and Sharon (MUISS) to our house inspection. In the end they joined us for it, lol.
The agent was really late for the house inspection. The house was nice though, it was like... on the same road as that house Ieja, Aya and Nabila stayed in before they moved to the Townhouse/Halls.... but yeah, no furnishings. So boo. The house was around the same design as Ieja's place before, except it was all pink. It was nice though... a nice pink and HUGE ass girly house. All for only $420 per week. If only there was furniture... *sighs*.... I was getting a bit down about the housing, the amount of choices we have left are... too limited now. There's no way we'll be able to find a furnished household.
Sharon and me talked for a bit and yeah, I won't give up just yet. Phoned this lady about a rooming house. Where I rent the room and stuff. Not the house. Sharon was worried about the lack of a contract though. And I didn't realise it myself. Forgot that no contract means that we're at the mercy of the landlord. And landlords loooove to take advantage of the insecure students who don't want to risk being thrown out and homeless. But yeah, inspection on Saturday. Let's hope this goes well. But everyone I know who has or is at a rooming house isn't having a good experience with it. Cause the landlord is always trying to fuck everyone up.
Running out of choices. Stress, stress, stress.
Went home. Made dinner (out of random stuff I still have...). Then worked on Education presentation. I struggled with it since I like... wasn't really there at the Melbourne show much. At 10, I went over to Debbie's place since I was getting worried it would be too late to discuss with her. And I ran out of things to type. So we both discussed in my room over what we were generally gonna do tomorrow. Once again, we have a messy unplanned plan. But our presentations are always like this and they always go well!
Heh, I'm generally alone and isolated in all my classes (with the exception of EIL, all my other classes I'm normally the only international student.. cept for media also actually...), I'm pretty lucky to have gotten Debbie as me partner. XD We work fairly well together, despite that fact that we're both like completely different people. I mean I'm like some random Chinese, International student who lives.. well not in a city but a generally urbanised area. And Debbie's a local Australian who grew up on farm land. Tomorrow's our last collaboration together, hope it goes well. No idea whether we will still be partners next year.....
Drue asked me to maccas again but I'll probably take another rain check. I wanna sleep soon....
Oh right, I forgot to say. Last night was funny. The fire alarm went off at like past midnight, and for the first time ever I like... just didn't go, lol. Wasn't bothered. I was telling Chris on msn how I would tell him my last words to my family if there really was a fire. I was expecting my luck to be so bad, you know, like the only time I don't go is the only time there is fire. Seemed like another false alarm though.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
MCAC, and randomness....
Okay... today was a weird day. Nothing went to my usual "day plan".
I woke up at like... or tired to wake up at 5 AM to do my assignment. But I had trouble getting up. Woke up at 6 AM instead. Did my assignment until 12 then went off for MCAC lunch at 12. More people turned up at lunch today, uhh... me, Sharon (MCAC), Bernie 1, Bernie 2, Raine, Chris, Moo, Sandreep, Natalie, Max, Alex, Jason and Owen. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone out. Random things during lunch! Photos (cam whoring), commented on Raine's diet (Raine is SO DAMN THIN... like thinner then everyone else I know.. and she's still dieting. She was eating diet yogurt for lunch... but in the end she ran off and came back with a chocolate sundae, lol). Everyone else was eating fried chicken and fries and stuff, I was eating my mee hoon. Moo brought some of his recipes for the cafe we're planning to do... and yeah. Screenings next uhh....
More people at screenings. Like 30+ today. I met the new mystery member on our forums, our first African member (I think?), Junior! Yay, meeting different people is awesome! I dunno who why suddenly get these interesting characters appearing in our club at like.. the end of second semester. First Moo suddenly appears (he joined the club the day he found out about it, and criticised the club out loud on the same day also, lol, that's how I noticed it at first) then I meet Junior. Didn't talk to him much but he seemed like a nice guy.
After screenings.... EIL assignment consultation! ... I waited half an hour. Booo. Everyone else went to eat lunch together again after screenings, but my consultation was over 40 minutes more then what I expected to be (I managed to get out at 3 PM, I was supposed to be done by 2:20 PM. So yeah, by the time I got back to the Main Dining Room, it was only Vu, Bernie 2, Lee and Drue left. I should say the consultation went well... my crappy ass essay was actually complimented. The world is strange ... lol.. but yeah, we talked... and talked.. until 4 PM. Aaaah. My precious studying time. Of course, Bernie had it worse. I mean she was supposed to do her report and what was she doing? Talking to us for no reason. Our little lunch meeting was pretty funny. We talked about costumes and stuff also, since I can't really sew, hopefully Lee will help me with my costume next year (he finishes uni already but he said he's only working part time and will still help with our club). Why doesn't he want to work full time? lol I mean after uni is where you life really begins! And you should work full time to do that ... T__T
Anyway at 4 PM-ish we decided we should all go home and do something productive. So I was texting Amanda on the way back and she suggested to have our pot luck. And invite the GFN gang. It was all to celebrate thanks to V for always driving us around. I was a bit taken aback because I didn't really have much food we could cook for that many people. I normally only buy enough food for myself, you know. I decided to try another batch of batik cake, since I already had the ingredients which weren't getting used.
So yeah, after calling and texting people like crazy (my credit~ *sobs*... I have like $6 left, lol) at 5 AM I stuffed all the food into my green bag and went over to Farrer Hall. I immediately started making my cake since if I didn't we wouldn't be able to eat it by tonight. Amanda and Jia Chee helped out ... uhhh... and that took quite a while (yay frying chocolate again!). At the same time everyone started making the various dishes for dinner. It was funny, because we all didn't have much food to feed 10 people, just all this pasta. But no pasta sauce. So like... Jia Chee used her magic and literally made up two sauces out of nothing (one of them was like garlic, butter, spices, mustard and a load of cheese, hahahaha, it was good though). I did my usual pasta bake and the cake (actually I only did the cake though, I mean, the pasta bake, I chopped some carrots but Jia Chee did most of it, I cut the spam, Jonathan who we unfortunatley made him do work the second he stepped into the kitchen sliced the mushrooms and Amanda fried all the food and cooked the pasta). Just that a lot of the raw food was my food, but I didn't actually do that much work...
I thought we wouldn't finish cooking in time but we did... yeah, after my cake was done I just did my pasta bake. Uhh... we cooked too much veggies and had all this extra pasta, so Jia Chee used the veggies, the water from the veggies and a load of spices and stuff and made this yummy spicy sauce. It was good. Amanda was right when she said Jia Chee had this cooking magic, haha. Honey chicken we ovened was done, last thing was my pasta bake. Cake in the fridge. Yeah, then we sat there and waited for Tsan, V and Sharon to come over. By this time Brian and Mun Jone had came. Apparantly Han Lin and Winston decided not to come (I suspect cause me and Amanda scared them off asking them to cook something, lol, or it isn't much of a pot luck, but yeah, they had assignments so I guess it's understandable too). Tsan and V came and then Sharon. And yay, dinner.
I was complaining during dinner because there's this small TV in the Farrer dining area kind of and like... everyone was watching that retarded "Are you smarter then a 5th grader?" game show. Bah, this is why in media studies I read things like how TVs are evil because they further separate the nuclear family and reduce social interaction during meal times! Which is supposed to be one of the moments where you socialise with your family or peers or whoever you are eating with. Boo boo boo. After eating, we took out my cake. Brian brought over some date pudding. And V and Tsan brought over ice cream (and drinks). Yay, my cake was edible, I was a bit worried about that. And it looked better then my previous attempt, lol. Unlike last time, I baked this cake a bit this time (only for a short while though) so it was a lot more solid! I got compliements and praise *___*.
All the food made us REALLY FAT though. I mean we were like eating down cake, ice cream and pudding at the same time. After eating all that pasta and chicken for dinner, lol.
After dinner... uhhh.. Sharon was sleepy so she went to her room. Same with Mun Jone. It was me, Amanda, V, Jia Chee, Brian and Jonathan left. And we had like the most retarded conversations ever. I think everyone was waiting to see what I would blog about this.... well... Jonathan, who looked like a proper, I dunno about innocent but proper and decent person, kept going about pee, and crap (literally!) and whatever else. I dunno how we could talk about urinals for like half an hour. T__T I kinda can't remember now but yeah, we didn't exactly have the most... decent... conversations.... Jonathan just wouldn't give up in telling us girls the problems men face in urinals, lol. It's always like this with GFN people though anyway. No one is innocent ever (we all blame V though)! But eh, MCAC does it too. One second we're talking about fluffy bunnies, the next second the con turns X-rated.
Anyway, it was like 11 AM and I promised to see Debbie tonight, and I didn't so yeah I left. Before going back to my Hall I just popped by Laura's room, who's also in Farrer, on the first floor compared to Amanda and co. who are on the third (The Laura you guys know to the ISB people reading this blog) since I was already there and yeah, thought I would knock on her door. Her room is pretty cool. Lots of stuff stuck everywhere. She was looking good and hyper as usual. Heh. Seems she isn't leaving Farrer next year, might become an RA or something.
Yeah, went to Debbie's room. Thank you to Debbie for doing all the work in our Education presentation, lol. So yeah, she sent me the info she gathered working at the Melbourne show, my job is to analyze and write crap on the info / say why it is relevant to what we learn in the course. Anyway, by the time I showered and stuff it was like 1:30 .. me is sleepy, lol, so yeah sleep time!
I should say, that... in the end, my day plan was gone! I was planning to go home after my consultation, study, make dinner, eat it and study even more. In the end I didn't do anything, lol! It's almost exams, I need to do a Nazri forego meeting people soon.
Tomorrow, next to lunch with MCAC, my EIL seminar was cancelled so just English Lit tutorial (on a book I didn't read) and then I will be heading to do some house inspection with Jia Chee and hopefully Sharon. The agents arranged this one so unfortunately Amanda cannot come.
I woke up at like... or tired to wake up at 5 AM to do my assignment. But I had trouble getting up. Woke up at 6 AM instead. Did my assignment until 12 then went off for MCAC lunch at 12. More people turned up at lunch today, uhh... me, Sharon (MCAC), Bernie 1, Bernie 2, Raine, Chris, Moo, Sandreep, Natalie, Max, Alex, Jason and Owen. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone out. Random things during lunch! Photos (cam whoring), commented on Raine's diet (Raine is SO DAMN THIN... like thinner then everyone else I know.. and she's still dieting. She was eating diet yogurt for lunch... but in the end she ran off and came back with a chocolate sundae, lol). Everyone else was eating fried chicken and fries and stuff, I was eating my mee hoon. Moo brought some of his recipes for the cafe we're planning to do... and yeah. Screenings next uhh....
More people at screenings. Like 30+ today. I met the new mystery member on our forums, our first African member (I think?), Junior! Yay, meeting different people is awesome! I dunno who why suddenly get these interesting characters appearing in our club at like.. the end of second semester. First Moo suddenly appears (he joined the club the day he found out about it, and criticised the club out loud on the same day also, lol, that's how I noticed it at first) then I meet Junior. Didn't talk to him much but he seemed like a nice guy.
After screenings.... EIL assignment consultation! ... I waited half an hour. Booo. Everyone else went to eat lunch together again after screenings, but my consultation was over 40 minutes more then what I expected to be (I managed to get out at 3 PM, I was supposed to be done by 2:20 PM. So yeah, by the time I got back to the Main Dining Room, it was only Vu, Bernie 2, Lee and Drue left. I should say the consultation went well... my crappy ass essay was actually complimented. The world is strange ... lol.. but yeah, we talked... and talked.. until 4 PM. Aaaah. My precious studying time. Of course, Bernie had it worse. I mean she was supposed to do her report and what was she doing? Talking to us for no reason. Our little lunch meeting was pretty funny. We talked about costumes and stuff also, since I can't really sew, hopefully Lee will help me with my costume next year (he finishes uni already but he said he's only working part time and will still help with our club). Why doesn't he want to work full time? lol I mean after uni is where you life really begins! And you should work full time to do that ... T__T
Anyway at 4 PM-ish we decided we should all go home and do something productive. So I was texting Amanda on the way back and she suggested to have our pot luck. And invite the GFN gang. It was all to celebrate thanks to V for always driving us around. I was a bit taken aback because I didn't really have much food we could cook for that many people. I normally only buy enough food for myself, you know. I decided to try another batch of batik cake, since I already had the ingredients which weren't getting used.
So yeah, after calling and texting people like crazy (my credit~ *sobs*... I have like $6 left, lol) at 5 AM I stuffed all the food into my green bag and went over to Farrer Hall. I immediately started making my cake since if I didn't we wouldn't be able to eat it by tonight. Amanda and Jia Chee helped out ... uhhh... and that took quite a while (yay frying chocolate again!). At the same time everyone started making the various dishes for dinner. It was funny, because we all didn't have much food to feed 10 people, just all this pasta. But no pasta sauce. So like... Jia Chee used her magic and literally made up two sauces out of nothing (one of them was like garlic, butter, spices, mustard and a load of cheese, hahahaha, it was good though). I did my usual pasta bake and the cake (actually I only did the cake though, I mean, the pasta bake, I chopped some carrots but Jia Chee did most of it, I cut the spam, Jonathan who we unfortunatley made him do work the second he stepped into the kitchen sliced the mushrooms and Amanda fried all the food and cooked the pasta). Just that a lot of the raw food was my food, but I didn't actually do that much work...
I thought we wouldn't finish cooking in time but we did... yeah, after my cake was done I just did my pasta bake. Uhh... we cooked too much veggies and had all this extra pasta, so Jia Chee used the veggies, the water from the veggies and a load of spices and stuff and made this yummy spicy sauce. It was good. Amanda was right when she said Jia Chee had this cooking magic, haha. Honey chicken we ovened was done, last thing was my pasta bake. Cake in the fridge. Yeah, then we sat there and waited for Tsan, V and Sharon to come over. By this time Brian and Mun Jone had came. Apparantly Han Lin and Winston decided not to come (I suspect cause me and Amanda scared them off asking them to cook something, lol, or it isn't much of a pot luck, but yeah, they had assignments so I guess it's understandable too). Tsan and V came and then Sharon. And yay, dinner.
I was complaining during dinner because there's this small TV in the Farrer dining area kind of and like... everyone was watching that retarded "Are you smarter then a 5th grader?" game show. Bah, this is why in media studies I read things like how TVs are evil because they further separate the nuclear family and reduce social interaction during meal times! Which is supposed to be one of the moments where you socialise with your family or peers or whoever you are eating with. Boo boo boo. After eating, we took out my cake. Brian brought over some date pudding. And V and Tsan brought over ice cream (and drinks). Yay, my cake was edible, I was a bit worried about that. And it looked better then my previous attempt, lol. Unlike last time, I baked this cake a bit this time (only for a short while though) so it was a lot more solid! I got compliements and praise *___*.
All the food made us REALLY FAT though. I mean we were like eating down cake, ice cream and pudding at the same time. After eating all that pasta and chicken for dinner, lol.
After dinner... uhhh.. Sharon was sleepy so she went to her room. Same with Mun Jone. It was me, Amanda, V, Jia Chee, Brian and Jonathan left. And we had like the most retarded conversations ever. I think everyone was waiting to see what I would blog about this.... well... Jonathan, who looked like a proper, I dunno about innocent but proper and decent person, kept going about pee, and crap (literally!) and whatever else. I dunno how we could talk about urinals for like half an hour. T__T I kinda can't remember now but yeah, we didn't exactly have the most... decent... conversations.... Jonathan just wouldn't give up in telling us girls the problems men face in urinals, lol. It's always like this with GFN people though anyway. No one is innocent ever (we all blame V though)! But eh, MCAC does it too. One second we're talking about fluffy bunnies, the next second the con turns X-rated.
Anyway, it was like 11 AM and I promised to see Debbie tonight, and I didn't so yeah I left. Before going back to my Hall I just popped by Laura's room, who's also in Farrer, on the first floor compared to Amanda and co. who are on the third (The Laura you guys know to the ISB people reading this blog) since I was already there and yeah, thought I would knock on her door. Her room is pretty cool. Lots of stuff stuck everywhere. She was looking good and hyper as usual. Heh. Seems she isn't leaving Farrer next year, might become an RA or something.
Yeah, went to Debbie's room. Thank you to Debbie for doing all the work in our Education presentation, lol. So yeah, she sent me the info she gathered working at the Melbourne show, my job is to analyze and write crap on the info / say why it is relevant to what we learn in the course. Anyway, by the time I showered and stuff it was like 1:30 .. me is sleepy, lol, so yeah sleep time!
I should say, that... in the end, my day plan was gone! I was planning to go home after my consultation, study, make dinner, eat it and study even more. In the end I didn't do anything, lol! It's almost exams, I need to do a Nazri forego meeting people soon.
Tomorrow, next to lunch with MCAC, my EIL seminar was cancelled so just English Lit tutorial (on a book I didn't read) and then I will be heading to do some house inspection with Jia Chee and hopefully Sharon. The agents arranged this one so unfortunately Amanda cannot come.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Diiiiee Assignments~
Aaaah, damn you EIL assignment. LOL. I dunno what to do. Currently I'm bitching to Raine about how much I dunno what to do. Since she's the only one who does the same thing as me.
I uhh.. got up at like 6:30 to try to do my assignment. And like I wanted to go for the free pancake breakfast thing every Tuesday as brunch... but the week I finally decide to go a bit early before my English Lit lecture for pancakes is the week they decide not to do it. Jonathan was as lost as I was so I spent my extra time having a chat with him before heading to class. After class, I ran back home and made pancakes for myself, lol. I wanted pancakes, dammit! They were nice. Haven't had pancakes in ages. Hopefully next week I get some free ones.
At 1 AM, Amanda, me and Jia Chee wanted to go house hunting. Amanda was lazy to walk so she suggested asking V to drive us. And he did! Yay, thanks V. Umm.. yeah. We went to the real estate agent and he told us to meet him at the house so he would let us in. And the second house at people there working on it already. So yeah, house number 1. A 5 bedroom house for $380 per week or something like that. It wasn't furnished. Damn, I forgot all about needing a furnished house when I was looking at homes. Oh dammit. This further reduces the choice of houses we have. The 5 bedroom house was decent, the bathroom was sort of old, but everything else was alright. But yeah, no furniture is just a no-no for me. Can't afford to buy tables, chairs, beds, washing machine and fridge... the fence was broken also in some places. And the weeds and stuff.
Second house... OMG, the second house was like 4 bedrooms for $300 per week. So it was a cheap house.. but ... NOT THAT CHEAP. The outside.. paint was all icky and coming off. The inside... wooden floors in some of the rooms. It just looked.... old. The inside wasn't as bad though, I must say. But yeah, the wooden floors. That turned me off completely, sorry people but no. And yeah, it wasn't furnished either. $300 isn't THAT cheap. I'm not paying to live in a house like that. My mom would never approve either.
So V drove us back. I was a bit disappointed that I forgot that most houses aren't furnished. Damn, another variable in my house hunting. Which is making it too hard. Cause like we NEED 4 bedrooms, furnished and preferably in Clayton. That just isn't gonna work, so gotta get ride of a variable. Like the fact that the house must be in Clayton.
Spent rest of the day on my EIL assignment. Made some mee hoon for dinner with spaghetti sauce, chilli and whatever else crap I could cook together. Overcooked the mee hoon so it turned into mush. T_T
Anyway, assignment time...
I uhh.. got up at like 6:30 to try to do my assignment. And like I wanted to go for the free pancake breakfast thing every Tuesday as brunch... but the week I finally decide to go a bit early before my English Lit lecture for pancakes is the week they decide not to do it. Jonathan was as lost as I was so I spent my extra time having a chat with him before heading to class. After class, I ran back home and made pancakes for myself, lol. I wanted pancakes, dammit! They were nice. Haven't had pancakes in ages. Hopefully next week I get some free ones.
At 1 AM, Amanda, me and Jia Chee wanted to go house hunting. Amanda was lazy to walk so she suggested asking V to drive us. And he did! Yay, thanks V. Umm.. yeah. We went to the real estate agent and he told us to meet him at the house so he would let us in. And the second house at people there working on it already. So yeah, house number 1. A 5 bedroom house for $380 per week or something like that. It wasn't furnished. Damn, I forgot all about needing a furnished house when I was looking at homes. Oh dammit. This further reduces the choice of houses we have. The 5 bedroom house was decent, the bathroom was sort of old, but everything else was alright. But yeah, no furniture is just a no-no for me. Can't afford to buy tables, chairs, beds, washing machine and fridge... the fence was broken also in some places. And the weeds and stuff.
Second house... OMG, the second house was like 4 bedrooms for $300 per week. So it was a cheap house.. but ... NOT THAT CHEAP. The outside.. paint was all icky and coming off. The inside... wooden floors in some of the rooms. It just looked.... old. The inside wasn't as bad though, I must say. But yeah, the wooden floors. That turned me off completely, sorry people but no. And yeah, it wasn't furnished either. $300 isn't THAT cheap. I'm not paying to live in a house like that. My mom would never approve either.
So V drove us back. I was a bit disappointed that I forgot that most houses aren't furnished. Damn, another variable in my house hunting. Which is making it too hard. Cause like we NEED 4 bedrooms, furnished and preferably in Clayton. That just isn't gonna work, so gotta get ride of a variable. Like the fact that the house must be in Clayton.
Spent rest of the day on my EIL assignment. Made some mee hoon for dinner with spaghetti sauce, chilli and whatever else crap I could cook together. Overcooked the mee hoon so it turned into mush. T_T
Anyway, assignment time...
Monday, 1 October 2007
Yay, it's Monday!
Monday. Uni again. Not that I have class, lol. EIL lectures are finished now (although we still have seminars). I just worked on my assignment until 1 PM, where I went off to uni to firstly pick up my airplane ticket, then met up with Amanda (who was with Jia Chee and Jie Yen) to go to Clayton road shops. To visit the real estate agent for inspection arrangements and buy food for this week.
Inspection was suprisingly... easy. The first agent was like... come by tomorrow to pick up the keys. Uhh... okay. No appointment either, lol. The second one took my name and number down to arrange an appointment. I then went to the Asian butcher, the fruit and veggies market and Coles to buy food for this week.
Went back, sat around for an hour, worked on my assignment a bit. Then went out again to the library to get books for the assignment. I was a bit early for GFN, so I just sat around (Nazri was there, and then Vu came also but they both just sat there typing on their laptops). No one really showed up at first. And Mitze didn't come. So I was really wondering what was up. And then we couldn't get the west wing of the Cellar room open because it was being used for graduations. Mitze eventually phoned me and Jie Khai, telling us she was sick. So yeah, today whoever was around sort of set the place up without our leader/boss to order us around. I was a bit worried because chain of command tends to break down when the leader is not around, ya know?
That and I like asked/forced my dear MCAC friends to come to GFN today for some DDR. V and Jie Khai set the place up for me (thanks~) but sadly the ps2 wasn't chipped, so none of Bernie's games worked. All we had was this one game with like 5 songs. It was pretty shitty. And I must apologize to Bernie that a lot of random visitors of GFN stepped on her mat. Yeah, from MCAC, Chris, Drue, Bernie, Natalie, Raine and Nazri came. Not including me and Vu who are always there.
We played Twister which was kind of fun. But the mat was sort of small. And a bit of DDR. And we did a lot of other random things, like take "wrong" photos *coughs* and uhh... yeah. It was kind of nice having the MCAC people around, although it meant I had to jump around a lot. Stan, who ditched our club since last semester, finally saw everyone again, haha. And he asked us whether Drue and Raine were going out. Well... that's a new one, lol.
DDR... I lost to Drue. T__T I dunno... I just really sucked. And Bernie lost to Chris?! O__O It's rigged! Rigged I tell you! And we also had these arm wrestling matches. I'm so weak! I couldn't beat Natalie or Amanda. I can understand Nat because she like... does Karate man... but Amanda... well Amanda is around my size so I guess it's not surprise. I would be depressed if I lost to Tsan or Raine though, lol (especially Raine... the smallest of us all).
I've now gotten used to calling Vu "Kami-sama" and Bernie.. "Borny", lol. I might stop soon though if it pisses them off too much. There wasn't enough pizza at GFN also sadly, so some people had to wait for a long time for dinner. Especially Syahir. OMG, I mean he was fasting and had nothing to eat to break his fast? That's... amazing.
Anyway, second last GFN was short, quiet but wasn't too bad. Hopefully next week will be good. The meeting talked as though we may not have anymore GFNs. Nooo~ what will I do next year?! Thank god I still have MCAC. Which will be busy next year.. hopefully. Well, we're planning activities, dunno if we will go through with them (since this semester hasn't been too eventful...).
Inspection was suprisingly... easy. The first agent was like... come by tomorrow to pick up the keys. Uhh... okay. No appointment either, lol. The second one took my name and number down to arrange an appointment. I then went to the Asian butcher, the fruit and veggies market and Coles to buy food for this week.
Went back, sat around for an hour, worked on my assignment a bit. Then went out again to the library to get books for the assignment. I was a bit early for GFN, so I just sat around (Nazri was there, and then Vu came also but they both just sat there typing on their laptops). No one really showed up at first. And Mitze didn't come. So I was really wondering what was up. And then we couldn't get the west wing of the Cellar room open because it was being used for graduations. Mitze eventually phoned me and Jie Khai, telling us she was sick. So yeah, today whoever was around sort of set the place up without our leader/boss to order us around. I was a bit worried because chain of command tends to break down when the leader is not around, ya know?
That and I like asked/forced my dear MCAC friends to come to GFN today for some DDR. V and Jie Khai set the place up for me (thanks~) but sadly the ps2 wasn't chipped, so none of Bernie's games worked. All we had was this one game with like 5 songs. It was pretty shitty. And I must apologize to Bernie that a lot of random visitors of GFN stepped on her mat. Yeah, from MCAC, Chris, Drue, Bernie, Natalie, Raine and Nazri came. Not including me and Vu who are always there.
We played Twister which was kind of fun. But the mat was sort of small. And a bit of DDR. And we did a lot of other random things, like take "wrong" photos *coughs* and uhh... yeah. It was kind of nice having the MCAC people around, although it meant I had to jump around a lot. Stan, who ditched our club since last semester, finally saw everyone again, haha. And he asked us whether Drue and Raine were going out. Well... that's a new one, lol.
DDR... I lost to Drue. T__T I dunno... I just really sucked. And Bernie lost to Chris?! O__O It's rigged! Rigged I tell you! And we also had these arm wrestling matches. I'm so weak! I couldn't beat Natalie or Amanda. I can understand Nat because she like... does Karate man... but Amanda... well Amanda is around my size so I guess it's not surprise. I would be depressed if I lost to Tsan or Raine though, lol (especially Raine... the smallest of us all).
I've now gotten used to calling Vu "Kami-sama" and Bernie.. "Borny", lol. I might stop soon though if it pisses them off too much. There wasn't enough pizza at GFN also sadly, so some people had to wait for a long time for dinner. Especially Syahir. OMG, I mean he was fasting and had nothing to eat to break his fast? That's... amazing.
Anyway, second last GFN was short, quiet but wasn't too bad. Hopefully next week will be good. The meeting talked as though we may not have anymore GFNs. Nooo~ what will I do next year?! Thank god I still have MCAC. Which will be busy next year.. hopefully. Well, we're planning activities, dunno if we will go through with them (since this semester hasn't been too eventful...).
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