Monday 6 July 2009

Rachel's House

Today I went to Rachel's house! It was also Jia Chee's final night in Melbourne. As Xin went out with Jono, and Jia Chee was packing + closing bank accounts and stuff. I thought I would go visit Rachel! So I met up with her at Glenny station at uh... 10:30 AM I think it was. I wanted to be the first MCAC affiliated member to visit her place, but Law took that spot (I recall SMS-ing her going STONE HIM when I realised he was taking my spot! But I get the #1 girl spot at least). Yay, it took two buses and a 2 minute walk to get to her place. At her house... well first things first. She has a WAYYYY CUTE house. It looked small from the outside, but then I was surprised at all the extensions on her house, the rooms just kept appearing on the inside!! Her room is so cute, so pink and there are like STUFFED PLUSHIES EVERYWHERE!! Like, on the bed, table, shelf, couch and wherever else. I looked at her manga collection, and then she connected her laptop to her TV screen. With MSN on. Uhh... I first of all attempted to impersonate her by talking to Chris on MSN. But that doesn't work too well cause a.) she doesn't talk to Chris often so it was strange and b.) I made it obvious it was me with the talking style and the way I address Chris myself.

We basically spent the afternoon watching anime! And a bit of gaming. Umm... lunch was lasagna! Which she cooked for me and her brother. Anime... we watched first episode of Umineko no Naku Koro ni (YAY new shows), second episode of Reborn (cause I forced her) and first episode of Minami-ke (as Rachel and her bro forced me too). Rachel had an XBox 360, so her and her bro have been playing FREAKIN TALES OF VESPERIA!!! OMFG I WANT THAT GAME SO BADLY! But I don't have a FREAKIN XBOX 360!! And I know they made a remake for the game but it's on PS3!! I DON'T HAVE A PS3!! GAHHHH. As a console RPG gamer and Tales Of franchise fan, I NEED TO PLAY THAT GAME. Okay, I can't say I am a major Tales Of fan having only playing Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Legendia, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny and a bit of Tales of Phantasia. But you know, I think I'm doing pretty good. Tales of Vesperia was so awesome. OMG, third generation console RPG games. I haven't played anything for ages. So this is what it's like. I wonder what it is like playing an RPG on the PS3. @.@ One day... if I have a job. I shall get a TV and a PS3. LOL. And games. Yes I will...

Rachel did game over though. It's an RPG but like, multiple controllers means that multiple people can play cause like... the battle system of Tale Of games is real time fighting rather then the traditional turned based battle (Final Fantasy style) for instance. I was a bit confused, cause while I have played multiple Tales Of games it does change each game and I couldn't really do much fighting. Button mashing works anyway. Long as you don't die, lol.

We watched Minami-ke after this as the siblings forced me to insisting how great it is. I then went home a bit later, Rachel walked me to my bus! When I got home, Jia Chee was ready to go out soon-ish. I went to Glenny earlier as my 2 hour bus ticket would expire otherwise! So I walked around Woolworths and stuffs to kill time but there wasn't much to do. Then JC and Mei Xian came. Uhh... we were in Glenny to eat dinner together. We waited for Christina! We decided to eat at the Hot Pot House in Glenny. YES! Steam boat!!! It was full of people. We had steam boat buffet where you just ORDER A TON OF FOOD. But the place didn't deliver us all the food they owe us!! Cause they knew we wouldn't eat it. WE JUST ATE A TON OF MEAT. Like a ton of meat. I ate so much it was ridiculous. But it was all you can eat after all. And it was expensive. Like $22 or something, lol.

After that, we went home. I opened the door and there was a SCREEEEAAAM. Yep, new housemate! In Joanne and Mei Xian's room. As she's here for a few more days, they are sharing the room then our new housemate, Ai Fang, keeps the room to herself. Xin told me that she was super funny, and super loud. And I could tell straight off! Hahaha. Apparently the new guys in the house also moved in on this day but I didn't notice em', lol. Xin was home already when we got home. And I can't remember what else we did.

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