Sunday 5 July 2009

The Proposal

Today turned out to be a rather amusing day actually. Most of it was spent sleeping! I basically slept for ages. I think I was supposed to clean my room today but that didn't happen, lol. I woke up around 10:30 AM-ish, cause Joanne woke me up. She was leaving today! I still had our purikura pictures, she needed to get em' before she left. I woke up and we all hung in her room. Eventually, it was time to say good bye and we all made our farewells at the door! It was sad. @.@

Uhh.. then it was lunch. And I was supposed to clean my room. But I didn't. I was on MSN during the afternoon. I think I was like talking to Leon and James. Jimmy was asking me about watching a movie, so I was like ICE AGE 3. Then Jimmy went silent, then Leon tells me in another con that Ice Age 3 is like a crappy indie movie. Obviously they were discussing in another convo without me about how crappy Ice Age 3 was! I guess it's a girl / children's thing to want to watch Ice Age? I think they wanted to see uh... was it Land of the Lost? I wasn't that interested though. In the end, it was like... they would watch a chick flick like The Proposal if a girl went with them. Otherwise it would be too gay for two guys to watch a chick flick. So it was decided! I thought I would eat dinner at maccas with Jimmy and Leon, and we would watch The Proposal! Haha. Near to 4:30 PM, I popped over to Clayton (with Xin's metcard) to buy cheaper movie tickets, and came home. A few hours later Jimmy picked me up to Chaddy maccas.

When we got there we saw Leon stoning out in maccas alone and Jimmy whispers to ignore him. I tried to but he was clearly staring at us. And Jimmy continued to ignore him. And then waved. I think Leon mentioned that a woman was looking at one man waving at another while meeting up. Heh. Eating in maccas with Jimmy and Leon is like watching the two most gayest men sit around feeling each other up. LOL. I recall lots of bad words being thrown around, and me having to look up what 'bukkake' means on wiki~ XD There was another word but I couldn't remember what, and Leon banned me from looking it up on Google! Images. We then went to the cinema. Uhh.. watching a chick flick with these two guys is like LOLs. So like, Leon was in the middle, so I had a wonderful view from my seat next to them as I watch James put his arm around Leon, put his hand on his thigh and crap. I can imagine what people behind us are thinking. LOL. During The Proposal's romantic bits of course!! But yeah, I thought it was a wonderful movie!! I kept going KYAAAA~ and gushing and stuffs! Although I think the guys thought I was totally nuts. But I can't help liking these sort of stories. I was sort of like sinking into my seat half the time and shoving my jacket in front of my face like a little girl.

Don't we all just wish that things would go well as you want it to? We all wish for it. It just doesn't happen. At least not with me anyway. Everyone tells me to just keep on hoping. So fine, I will. I'll hope until my mouth gives its last breath. That my story can end like a fairytale too.

After the movie, I was KYAAA-ing the whole time. And James drove Leon and me home! I know where he lives now!!! LOLOLOL. I think it's supposed to be a secret or something. When I got home, Xin was cooking a bento for Jono for their date tomorrow! It was way cute of her!! SUPER CUTE!! She needed help on muffins. As she burnt her muffins and they raised so much it was a big giant burnt mess. So I got another recipe and tried it out again. And we sat around baking and chatting with Cas. I liked her burnt muffins though. I was still on fangirling and KYAAA-ing in the kitchen though! The bento was really nice looking, with cute cute cute onigiri! I commented saying that I wish I could bake and cook something for someone special. I wanna make a bento for someone I love one day.

I hope I live to see that day. Truly.

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