Saturday 4 July 2009

Laserwars and farewell celebration...

YAY! Laserwars again. This time with other people and Jono and friends. Uhh... so what happened. We got there, and stood around. And did not do very much, lol. I generally stayed with the MCAC people. Apparently Jono had like excess of $100 in payments so he gave people cash to buy snacks with it. And then it started. Umm... stuff that happened. Well I played DDR a few times. Kriz and Alex were there, so watching Alex DDR is always awesome cause he's epic. Heh. I only spoke to one of Jono's friends outside MCAC affiliation, one of his church friends, some guy in first year who had military training. He was commenting on how weird he thought Jono and [dantai] friends were cause they were practicing a bit at the back of the area during a laserwars break. A nice person but I did have to mention that I was part of the group of weirdos, lol.

Actual laserwars! We did the standard array of stuff. One difference with MCAC is that tag wasn't taken so well, I guess the guys found it boring. And that the MCAC people who did come to laserwars were like veterans compared to everyone else. I am CRAP but I was like ranking between 4th - 7th every round in a game of 30+ people. One thing that we did do though was what Stan wanted to do during MCAC's laserwars was Space Marines. MCAC didn't do it probably cause capture the flag was confusing already and anything else was too confusing. *shrugs* But we managed to do it here so I don't get it. IT WAS AWESOME! Plain awesome. Difference between Space Marines is that you have 4 roles that everyone takes on. The commando (goes rambo on everyone), Heavy Weapons (the tank), The Scout (has rapid fire but you don't want to use this due to ammo so it's useless), The Ammo person (unlimited ammo - has to give ammo to everyone else) and the Medic (gives life to people). Ammo is probably most useful cause it has unlimited ammo and everyone else needs ammo too. I was a useless scout, and I was in the more MCAC team with more veterans in it. Jono directed everyone to their roles and we kept winning every round. I felt bad for the other group. @.@ My role was to guard the vantage point, one of the towers. I was with Kriz (who was a medic and never played a game before until this one - she was photographing for the majority of laserwars) and umm... another guy I don't know and I forgot his name. All I remember was that round one, they stormed the tower right at the start so I was yelling for reinforcements so we took it back. Then the rest of the round was really quiet and peaceful. Since we were just camping.

Round 2 was pretty much the same for me. At the end of this round the green team (we were red team) were angry at us taking the towers so they stormed us but it was end game. Round 3 the guy let green team go inside the arena first so they took over the entire area. Red team had no base left so we were like... LOLOLOL *storms into green base first since there are only a few guards*. We got that but didn't bother protecting it cause we didn't care. Then we throughout the arena in like um... a formation where ammo / medic was in the middle, and the rest of us was around them to move in a clump like that. I was the rear guard, lol. We basically took back both towers but rambo-ing everyone. That was a lot of fun!!

Round 3 I pretty much run around joining the team of people who's job was to rambo into bases. The game was like capture the flag too, so yeah... we needed to storm into green team's base at times. There was one time where I managed to like take people out by myself cause I couldn't find the rest of my team. It was wayyyy fun. Besides that, I ate lots of food (I discovered that rice cakes are AWESOME!!!) and not much else. Some guy gave me 74 tickets from those arcade ticket games, so I exchanged it for a little notebook keyring thing. Hehe. Anyway, we left by 6 AM to catch a 6:10 AM bus that we missed unfortunately. Not saying bye to anyone. @.@

When I got home, I slept until 11 or 12 PM. Got up to eat lunch and cooked food for tonight for the remainder of the afternoon. I was supposed to like go to the bus loop by 5 or something to meet up with the bus people, but Phe was in too much pain from laserwars so he dropped out. Tsan was too busy to come. So it was just Alex and Stan left. James MSN-ed me asking if I wanted a lift, I would take his offer but Jia Chee didn't know about other people being at this event yet! But I took it anyway, then I gave up hiding it from Jia Chee when Alex came over too early and I couldn't hide him outside in the cold. Plus, James was around 10 minutes late so yeah I just told her everything in the end. Jimmy drove the three of us to Bernie's house first, then went to pick up JC + Xin an hour later.

At Bernie's house, umm... I baked cinnamon rolls! Drue thought they looked gross. He was there for only a moment since he had something else on. I also made quiche tarts in the afternoon! Jimmy made chocolate pie. Bernie made Shepherd's pie. Chris brought a carrot and celery sticks platter. Lesley made her giant cookies. Xin and Jia Chee came with like chicken and pasta bake. Jono brought veggies. Stanny made curry fish head! I forgot what else was there. Bernie-kun, Ally... uhh... yeah and I forgot what Alex did. Anyway, the night was a quiet night of food, video games and YouTube videos. For games, first it was Guitar Hero!! I got to play the drums!! It was pretty cool. I thought I picked it up pretty quick. My guitar hero skills are mediocre but I can sort of keep up with Chris + James (not Bernie though who is like hax~). Drums was fun but hard. And Raving Rabits or whatever with those insane rabbits cause I know Jia Chee liked that game although it makes people like James go OMFGWTF!!! It was funny anyway cause I pwned James in it basically :D :D LOLOLOLOL.

YouTube videos... Stanny and Chris were showing us stuff. Of all the Asian YouTube bloggers. Like some Chonny guy or whatever who was like... singing Captain Planet in this most ridiculous way. I thought they were pretty funny!! Some insane videos, lol. I should look at YouTube stuff more often (but it is banned at my house, meh). Night ended in me falling asleep and everyone playing Guitar Hero until people got tired (after we got through the rabbits thing). I think I left at 1 AM (we were the last few people to leave) as umm... Jimmy drove us home I think. Thanks Bernie for letting us use her house for the party!!

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