Tuesday 16 June 2009

A silent day...

I can't remember what I did on this day either. Uhh... absolutely nothing I think. I recall never studying at all. LOL. Oh yeah! I went to uni! For dantai practice. I spent the day hanging with lunch tables people rather then hiding in the library. Cao was asking everyone to come in to do some cheesecake surprise thing for Kimmy. I missed it! Cause I got to uni at like 12 PM, apparently it happened after 11 PM. It was a joke where Cao had a cheesecake box from the cheesecake shop, he stepped on it. Crushing a $5 Coles mudcake inside (sobs). He then gave Kim another box... which was empty. After Kimmy gets frustrated he and Steve bring out two cheesecake boxes with ACTUAL CHEESECAKE inside! Yay!

So we had a nom nom nom time eating cheesecake. But there was too much of it! I've eaten so much cheesecake now, lol. Strawberry and Mango (which turned out to be Passionfruit). We all wanted to try the 'mango' cause it was different. We made Jeremy cut it cause Celine is fail at cutting, and it was hilarious. He cut strawberry then no one wanted it and we all wanted 'mango'. Uhh.. no plates so some of us just used our hands. And looked absolutely disgusting. Me and Phe-chan anyway. I remember we forced Henry to eat a slice and he kept going on about how fattening it was! I mean... HENRY! He's so thin, small and scrawny as it is. I figure he's one of those people who don't put on weight (well, they can still get heart attacks from the fat but still, not get fat). When the dantai assembled we went to our usual room. We're such a big group now... I swear. A world of a difference from last year. And yeah, we just practiced everything. Kimmy had an exam the next day yet she still came. But no dancing for her, lol.

Not much else to say there. Jono was helping me and Yi Xin with Princess Bride to iron out the parts we can't do. And in the evening we all hobbled off. Back at airport lounge. Hmm... not much, I thinks. There was still cheesecake left. Which was LOLs. I think I left with Tom or something and parted ways at the bus loop. Dinner... what was dinner. The only funny is that... I RECALL EATING CHEESECAKE FOR DESSERT! Courtesy of Sha. Mixed Berry Cheesecake. Frozen ones from Sara Lee. I <3 the frozen ones though. I think Jia Chee cooked today. I recall having soup. Can't remember my night either. I think I've been sleeping early and just been sleeping a lot. I can't blog about it now since the days have past, but I do know that the past few days I've been acting a bit weirdly (well... weirdly in that my mood is jumping erratically again. But most of the time I just seem down, sort of. Bah... whatever).

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