Thursday 4 June 2009

The Japanese Club

I went to uni by 9 AM for my only two class of the entire week, lol. It was a peaceful class. Then I went to hand in my essay. For some reason, everyone was at the stage instead of lunch tables. I went to munch on my bread, chat to Phe, Yih and Emma for a bit then I went to the stage and sat alone working on my assignment. Kim and co. went to maccas but I was not allowed to join them, lol. I went for my last class at 1 PM and came back sitting around for a bit. I almost fell asleep in that last class. Crap. Decided to head to the library to work on my assignment past 2 PM. It isn't often I work in the library because sitting alone in a quiet place does not go well with me.

It took me like 20 minutes to find a power port + table I could use. Gah. Anyway, I sat there for around 2 hours, and decided to finally head back to the stage. First thing I got when I walked to the airport lounge / stage area was Leon going "What the hell, Celine!!!" as I was supposed to do work until past 5 PM or something. Hah. Anyway, me, Sam, Tom and Leon were gonna go to the Japanese Club Dinner night thingy tonight. Uhh... we hung about at airport lounge to meet Eri (one of Leon's Japanese's friends - who I have now happily befriended~) and Juan. Anyway, we all headed there together by PT. Umm... not much happened really. I recall sitting and chatting with Sam, Eri and Alex a lot (whom we met on the bus). What happened on the train. I can't really remember now but there was funny stuff. The only joke I know came up was that I would blame Sam for anything that went wrong from now on, and he would in turn blame Leon. So if I whack Sam as I always do, he instintively hits Leon straight after. This puts guilt as I smack Sam around a lot and Leon blamed me for getting hit as a process. Hahaha.

When we got to the city we expect there to be like Jap Club people at Flinders by 6 PM but there wasn't anyone. So we decided to go shopping! And off we went. Uhh... the lot of us minus Alex who went to Melb Central for Gloria Jean's Coffee. We went straight to some Star... place. Uhh... the store along Lt. Bourke Street that sells Japanese, Korean, Chinese and whatever drama, music and stuffs. And pirated anime. We spent forever staring at the J-Drama. Me, Leon and Juan. Hehe. Tom and Sam both spent over $100 at that moment buying music. We eventually dragged them out since it was almost dinner time and to stop them from grabbing anymore things.

When we got to the venue, Ramen Ya, we realised maybe we should of came earlier. Bleh, no seats. There was still two tables at the front empty, so oh joy. We could sit together, but in isolation from the rest of the club. LOL. So much for socialising. In the end, my night was spent being bullied by Sam, Tom and Leon.

Let's talk about the food first. It was miso soup and gyoza (three per person) as an entree, main meal was a ramen of our choice and dessert was either green tea ice cream or daifuku. I had gyoza ramen while the three guys had char siew ramen. The miso and gyoza were good, although I found out Tom doesn't like nori (san of red bean. So yeah, everyone was like blehh. And ate it in hiliarous ways. I ate my daifuku with a spoon. Like I picked it up with a wooden spoon and just munched on it. The daifuku was the size of my palm (maybe a bit smaller) but bigger then normal mochi. Sam didn't eat it at all, he just spent the entire time squeezing it cause he likes the feeling *coughs* and texture. Which is soft. Tom ate a bit, ripped it open, then started poking a smiley face into the mochi. And it looked like a person with their brains blown up. Leon tried to eat it as he insisted he paid for it, but he had a hard time using his hands, the daifuku was sticky and his hands went all sticky in the end. He couldn't get it off since tissue doens't work. And didn't finish it, lol. It was hilarious. As a result we all had to go and get ice cream at maccas after we ran off from the dinner. I mean, if we had eaten green tea ice cream it might not have turned out this way. The green tea ice cream certainly looked a lot better but I've no idea really. Maybe it tasted funny also. I always knew I wasn't one for asian desserts, but I do like mochi. I am gonna buy some yummy mochi to feed to the guys since the daifuku obviously gives the wrong impression!

What did we talk about at the table. So many things I can't remember. Tom kept commenting on the way I eat and stuffs. "Oh my goodness, don't you know how rude that is. What kind of things do they teach you savages from Bruny?" Yes, they are calling Brunei, Bruny now. As they all humbly call me Boony, it's like Boony from Bruny or something, lol. *dies* There was one part where the guys were gossiping as usual. What else... umm, talking about the physical appearances of people. I didn't like where this convo was going. I sadly don't fall under the cute asian girl category either. I wish I could like... you know, be as cute as the girls in dramas and magazines but that isn't happening so that isn't happening, lol. Face isn't gonna change and I don't want it to or I won't be Celine. As stupid looking as I look as everyone likes to point out to me since I always look confused. Dinner included more Sam and Tom beating, which ended up as a Leon beating but yeah... ehehe.

Uhh... the 4 of us with Juan and Eri ran off early cause... we didn't want to take part in the games. Well, Tom, me and Leon had work for tomorrow. So yeah... after the mess of daifuku we ran for it. After saying bye to Alex and Scott (the only people I know anyway in general). We hobbled to maccas near Flinders and had some yummy ice cream then pretty much went home. Before we left, Leon tried on my hat! He looks good in it. Just like when he tired on my cat jacket. *nods* Yep, yep! Way fashionable! Umm... at Flinders, me, Leon, Eri and Juan missed our train so we had to wait an extra half hour. I had a good time chatting to Eri during this time about a lot of things. She's from Osaka University doing Ancient History. Hehe. On the bus back, we saw Alex. Who left shortly after us, but he took an earlier train to Caulfield and got on the same bus as us (who boarded at Huntingdale). Back at uni, I decided to wait for the shuttle bus with Eri rather then walk home. It was past 11 PM. Yay, I then got home... uhh... was online for a bit then I fell asleep pretty fast actually. I had to wake up early to work on my essay anyway. All in all, awesome day! Tom, Sam and Leon are like some of the best company around. Since too much crap is said when you put them together with the likes of Jeremy and Jimmy. Heh.

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