Friday 5 June 2009

Failed attempts...

I spent most of the day on my second assignment. It was nearing 4 PM by the time I finished it and I rushed off to uni. Once I did that, I hobbled to the lunch table but no one was around but Owen. Then I walked out and noticed Rachel waving at me. Her, Jeremy, James, Andrew Kim and Brad were still there. Apparently everyone else went to watch Terminator (Kimmy, Alan, Lee, Steve and co.) So it was a quiet few hours of me copying anime off Rachel, chatting about various things, watching Jeremy and James be totally gay for each other and me and Rachel eating Golden Gaytime, lol. Uhh... Mel, Leon and Yih came over after a bit from their study session and they went to watch the last episode of Bloody Monday. Brad just sat in. I was standing around watching, as I had nothing else to do. Rachel, Andrew and Jeremy were laughing at some forum thingy, and James went off with Raine and they both just flirted on a couch, lol. So I was a bit wandering. But yeah, Mel and Leon told me to sit to watch with em' so I ended up squeezing with them on the couch in the airport lounge. I've now spoiled myself completely on Bloody Monday as I saw a bit of the first episode and the last. I wanted to watch this Jdrama! Gah.

After that, uhh... just more sitting. Me and Yih were reading a chapter of 07-Ghost when Raine called me downstairs. We were gonna head to maccas with Jia Chee. Ly invited us and a bunch of others. I guess it was supposed to be like a reunion of the older members but it sort of failed as no one really came. Was just me, Ly, Raine, Jia Chee, Stan, Alex, Chris, Ally, Damien, Chris and James for a while. I <3-ed eating my Chicken Deluxe burger, heh. Damien tried to play the $1 Trivia Pursuit game from Maccas but the questions were still epic phail. I still remember some of them still. It was hilarious.

"What is the name of the popular computer brand: Apple, Pear or Banana?"
"Is Free Willy a dolphin, whale or lobster?"
"Does the President of the US live in New York, Washington DC or Los Angeles?"
"Is the historical figures name Marco Tolo, Marco Folo or Marco Polo?"
"In Lord of the Rings, is the race of small individuals know as Frobbits, Tidbits or Hobbits?"

Damien was going OMG every three seconds had how bad it was. Clearly Free Willy is a LOBSTER! Then we played the game Ly brought. It was Taboo, a game where we have these cards. And we're split into two teams, like charades, we have to guess what the word is from an explanation. But the explainer cannot use the 'taboo' words to explain the word everyone has to guess. No pointing or acting out either. So example, 'Face', you can't say eye, nose, mouth or something as it will give it away. I had face as a word and I used incomplete sentences often. It was a convo like this...

Me: "I have an ugly..."
Ly: "FACE!"
Me: *dies*

Another word I had was 'Flat'. And the convo went...

Me: "Unfortunately I lack these assets. Tom always makes fun of me and say I am..."
Raine: "FLAT!"
Everyone: "OOOOOOH!!!
Me: *dies*

The truth hurts! The truth hurts! But I made the sentences knowing someone will get it. Another word I had. Shield! So I said...

Me: "So like, during paintball. I hate getting hit. So I use Chris as my..."
Chris: "SHIELD!"

I thought I was pretty good at it. Heh. Chris is really good at guessing. Really fast. It was a load of fun. After like an hour and a half we only got through a quarter of the cards. Cause we got through all the cards but each card has 4 words printed on. A long way to go. But yeah, we decided to go home as it was nearing 12 AM. Chris drove me and Jia Chee home. Hehe. I had a nice and lovely sleep. It was a nice day.

1 comment:

~Leisha~ said...

lol... dont forget the lil triva game appeals to lil 5 year olds XD

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