Monday 22 June 2009

If only time could be forever frozen...

Last dinner with the four girls: Me, Yi Xin, Sha and Jia Chee. 1 and a half years (for me) and 2 and a half years for Sha + Yi Xin. To have lived with Jia Chee. It went by so fast. Yet it went by so slowly also. We all sort of went through the most ridiculous things together, we have the most funniest stories ever - through all the tears, anger, laughter and love - we've been together these past few years. Together. If destiny existed. If fate existed. It would be the biggest blessing in my life to have randomly met Yi Xin, and to have gained these housemates who saved me from everything I hated about this world. Okay, maybe not so dramatically but I was even more distrustful of people then I am now back in 2007. Because life gave me little reason to trust anyone outside my family. Everything could also be a result of me growing older and deciding that not everyone is out to get me, or hate me. Jia Chee isn't leaving yet, but Sha is flying off tomorrow. And by the time she returned, Jia Chee, Joanne and Mei Xian would have all gone back to Malaysia. So it was our final dinner together.

Onto the day first. I got up at odd times. Like at 4 AM, fell asleep again then woke up again. I went to uni by 9:30 AM, Lawrence was sitting there alone. Mel came but she went off to join her study group of management students, which I found out to be Kevin, Leo, Sam H. and other people I do not know. Weird seeing them cause I haven't seen them for a while. The people who come into uni during exam times are the same ones (besides my study group - just Kimmy, Steve, Khanat, Brad, Jeremy, Alan, James, Drue, Whitney, Tom, Sam, Andrew Kim and etc). The morning was spent with me and Lawrence chatting to Rachel on MSN, studying and sleeping. And munching on things. It was Yih's birthday today, so we sat around waiting for her and Leon to come back from their exam. Leon and James L. showed up past 2 PM without Yih. Uhh... Lawrence went off by then. Yih finally came and then Leon left. Me and Mel sat around as we watched Yih and James L. Typing Maniac! It was rather funny. They stopped eventually when everyone realised they had to actually study, lol.

At 4 PM I was so sleepy I decided to head back home. But I past by airport lounge first. Big mistake. Couldn't get away. Everyone ate my muffins which they thought was good. So that was nice, hehe. I wasn't gonna go to maccas with them but I did that in the end too. LOL. So yeah... maccas... uhh... the main topic of interest was the fact that I was the only FOB (ignoring K-man) and they were going on about what FOB things I could do during my times in Melbourne. Like go to Ballarat to pan for gold (=.=''') and to Central Australia and etc. In the end they were like "Okay! We're taking Celine to Ballarat! Who can drive???" .... I didn't seem to have a say in what happens to me during the winter break.... O.O

After maccas, I went home. Uhh.. sat around a bit then went downstairs. Yi Xin, Jia Chee and JONO was cooking! OMG... Jono was frying bacon. I was like... run for it... he is actually cooking! Dinner was pork chops with bacon sauce on top, potato gems, boiled broccoli & cauliflower and scallopes + fish (for me mostly) in butter sauce. It was really good. Hehe. Sha brought home dessert, uhh... creme bulee (or however you spell it) and cappuchino sort of mousse thing. And I had Coles mudcake... which had to be eaten for traditions sake! We took photos and stuff, and just had a good laugh about the usual things we seem to always be talking about (Keyword: *coughs*colorofnipples*). Xin had to go study, and so did me and JC but the two of us decided to sit in Sha's room while she packed. Cas joined us and yeah, we all sat around talking stuff. People we like, people we don't like... and just whatever. I like these sort of talks. Used to have them a lot with Yi Xin, Stanny and a few others...

After hours, it was like 12 AM, it was just me left in Sha's room. I was semi moping and semi just telling her what's been on my mind lately. I think I made her worry more. Gomen. Haha. Should really let her know I am totally fine and capable and taking care of myself. I seem to have my hand full helping others anyway. Now I know what Xin felt last year. O.o One thing you notice after a while is that your friends seem to have way more problems then you, and that I live a blissful life (which is true). So yeah... I went to sleep. I'll see Sha in 3 weeks after my trip from Tassy (as she'll be returning on the 17th of July). She gets to stop by Malaysia for 4 hours to see JC at the airport! Ooh, I hope Sha can get to KL one day just for holiday, and the 6 of us can run around KL together. I can easily get there if I'm Brunei since AirAsia doesn't cost muchies anyway.

If time could just stop, it would be nice. Cause... I really liked how things were. But change seems to occur every semester. And this is one change I don't really like. But meh... gotta deal with it, eh? End of the year will be interesting. If I lose Xin and/or Sha... hahaha... I don't want to watch. Let's not think about that yet. ^^;; I need to enjoy my next semester. I am not gonna waste it like I did this semester.

The other night. The 6 of us said we'll reunite again at the first persons' wedding! Assumption would be Sha's! Hehe. Will it happen in the next 5 years I wonder? :3

1 comment:

miracle said...

*huggles* Hehe... yup, u're right. Changes are inevitable so just enjoy it. Anyway, if time is forever frozen, you'll get bored of me one day and leave me. T___T That's not good either. Hehe~

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