Saturday 13 June 2009

Box Hill and Ichipan Crepes

I woke up at around 10 AM. Apparently there was a meetup for Crepes at 1 PM @ Box Hill which I thought I would go to! But here I was... in Glenny at 10 AM. I needed to go home first. Mobile had no bat. I had a total of three hours to get home and go to Box Hill. Dilemma #1. The house... I dunno where I am in Glenny and how far it is to the train station. Dilemma #2. I need to leave soon cause it takes almost an hour from my home to Box Hill anyway by bus. So I left the house by 11 PM, told Raine sorry that I wasn't staying for breakfast. And yeah, with Raine's hand drawn map (and without a mobile - funny if I got lost) I found my way to Glenny train station! And lucky lucky the bus was here in like 5 minutes.

Got home, checked Box Hill bus time and I had a total of 10 minutes at home. Gah. So much for a shower. I quickly left and hopped on. Box Hill is too far away, the bus ride felt like forever. I just sat there for the 45 minutes or so it took listening to music (lucky I have my P2 these days or I would die~ I can't be idle so long, lol). Arrived at around 12:50 PM at Box Hill. I messaged Phe to find the location of everyone + the Crepes. Now, I found the crepes but... no people. The problem came in here. Phe and Lesley came at 2:10 PM. I waited the entire time. It was... cold and extremely dull. I did walk around a bit during this time. Just a bit. To be honest, I was getting into a rather bad mood. But... it's just me. I am an impatient person by nature. It isn't the first time I waited an hour or two for my friends but, the waiting in the cold tends to put me off quite a bit. Luckily they came eventually. 3 minutes before Phe and Lesley showed up, Linda walked right past me. I was like O.O cause she was here the entire time! Equally as lost! We should... get each other's numbers next time!! She was munching on crepes already upset that maybe we had left. Apparently Van was there the entire time too. I recall seeing a dude and his friend hanging around a lot. It must have been him! But I didn't know him, lol. So I never said hi. Like... WTF.

I cheered up with some warm food. I had some tuna salad crepe. Bad idea. Remind me to get a SWEET crepe next time. We went to BreadTop after cause I wanted something sweet but... nothing. LOL. They were sold out. I bought an ice cream puffy from Puffy while Les bought 3 custard and 3 mango puffs from Puffy and we all had a good time eating yummy cream puffs. After that, a lot of wandering around and shopping! Sort of. We checked out anime stores + cute shops. Phe bought panda speakers. Which was epic. Linda got 3 little kitty figurines. I didn't get anything but I did pay $5 for a really bad purikura of us 4. It was a crappy cheap machine which was messed up. The pictures snapped so fast we were like WHUUT WTF!! LOLOLOL. Then we couldn't decorate in time cause there wasn't enough time. I wanted to buy dumplings home for dinner cause it was 50 dumplings for $20 but they were sold out.

Near 4 PM, me and Linda went home. On the bus. We had to wait half hour for it to come thoughI had a nice bus ride as I spent the hour rambling to her about various things. Heh. Time passes much faster with someone next to you. I got home for dinner! LOL. What was dinner... *thinks* I can't remember. I think Sha cooked.


~Leisha~ said...

sorry was completely my fault...

oink said...

box hill ... haha funny name =P

Anonymous said...

where in box hill is ichipan please?

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