Sunday 24 May 2009

Laserwars and baking...

This post is a bit on the late side. But let's talk about what happened at Laserwars! We got to Sidetracked and hobbled in. Sam and Leon went to pick up the peeps at Huntingdale Station! So me, and Jarrad (who suddenly came) and K-man and Jimmy just sat around a bit. More and more people started tumbling in. At first I was like... uhh.. am I the only girl. T.T No way... but in the end there was Steph (who managed to sneak out of her place), Sammi and Stanny's friend, Steph. There were around 23 of us, this meant that we could play a game continously if we wanted to since there was so little of us!

The night ran for around 5 hours by the time we started. Maybe a bit over that. Stuff that happened. Well, I played DDR twice (the second time Ly payed for my 3 games). We learned that Sam H. is a DDR master. Holy crap he's epic. We had lots of energy drinks, coke, gummy candies and chocolate over the night! But I was surprised that we were generally not tired. Well, I didn't feel too tired. Even when it was 6 AM. It was a stark constrast to last year where I felt like laserwars just DRAGGGGED on and on and on. And I was waiting for it to be over. This year I actually played almost ever game we had minus 2 or 3 I think that I decided to drop out on towards the end when I did get exhausted to some extent. Perhaps it was a good idea to sleep for a bit in the afternoon.

The actual laserwars! The first game was a team game I think. Two teams, it was a good little warm up. The high scorers in our group was definitely Jimmy (who pretty much was first at all times), Leon, Steve, Khanat, Evan, Stanny, Jarrad and etc. There was a game where it was like 5 of them versus the rest of us. They still won in the end in terms of points, lol. Other games we had, individual matches, shadow game (which phailed), flag game and tag games. I disliked individual matches cause then, I just got shot from everywhere and couldn't do anything. The shadow game was phail just cause I don't really like using missiles (the shots where you like... have to lock on to someone for 3 seconds or something). The flag game was phail at first. We had to capture the enemy team's flag. But the first time none of us could get it!

I generally defended the base most often. There was one game I think it was an individual one where I was a camper but now I realise how annoying campers were. There was also an individual game where I was a camper killer and ran around trying to take out the campers. The tag game was the most hilarious. It's where two people are IT (or more) and everyone only shoots them when they are IT. Their suits are lighted up. So like... you had dumb shit like me becoming IT pretty early on when we were trying to figure out the game, and it was pretty much like...

Me: ... *looks at herself all bright* Oh..... shit.....

I know some people were laughing their heads off as I literally ran around the base crying and screaming my head off cause I didn't know how to 'un-it' myself and I had a horde of people chasing me. It is frightening!! Tom and Jeremy also ran around screaming, with Jeremy running down the ramp flailing his arms which was HILARIOUS! Some games, my only goal was to take Jimmy down since he always shot me a lot (often out of revenge). LOL.

Towards 5 AM, I still played games but I was really tired. I didn't even bother running during tag. LOL. Yeah, we took a group photo and cleared out by 6 AM! Uhh... James drove me, Evan, Juan and I forgot who else down to uni. He dropped the 3 guys in uni and personally drove me home. Hehe. Thanks Jimmy. It was good cause I wouldn't have been able to walk back. Too tired. I was tempted to go to Maccas with Brad and Leon after Laserwars, but I am glad I didn't cause they WALKED from Huntingdale to Clayton. OMG. I would have died.

The actual day. When I got home, I didn't even sleep. LOL, I was online until like 9 AM, where I slept until 12:30 AM. Then I got up. And then I basically spent 5 hours baking cookies for Yi Xin's surprise party on Tuesday. I made double chocolate chip cookies, shortbread cookies (which were overcooked and became butter cookies instead) and I was trying to make honey oats cookies but they were so soft I scrunched them into balls with suggestions by Jia Chee. Luckily Yi Xin wasn't home for the day so I could make them! I was worried they would be stale by Tuesday though.

Dinner was just instant foods and whatever everyone wanted to eat. I really should have done work but yeah... my day was just good ol' baking, lol.

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little on the late side doesn't even cover it; this was due like a week ago, Boony Hong.

Anyway, we didn't enjoy shooting you because of revenge - it's just that it was hilarious watching you panic.

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