Thursday 8 November 2007

The final paper looms near...

Final paper tomorrow. I hope I don't be like how I was on my COM1020 exam. Like, really lazy to write the essay when I read the essay question (same thing happened in my previous lit exam last semester also). I'm not exactly ready. I had all this time after my COM1020 exam to study but... I obviously didn't study enough. No idea what I'm doing. Oh well. As long as I get over 52%, I'll be able to get a C for ENH1990, so that isn't really that high of a mark to work hard for.

Getting a D is out of the question now cause I'll need a 82% in the exams and no, Arts students cannot get HD's so easily. In the exam or overall. Unless everyone else sucks and you're actually good. Which is unlikely. Yeah, I know people always say how easy my work is but you know, I'm sorry for being too stupid to not be able to get an HD. But an HD Med student wouldn't be able to get one either. Arts doesn't have right or wrong answers. It's what's more right or more wrong. And cause of that, they can skewer your marks so easily if they wanted to. Since they can just make up excuses like they do on my essay, of what I did or did not do that killed the grade.

Friend told me last time that they purposely keep us from getting HDs anyway. And my tutor told me also that anyone aiming to get HDs in Arts should be prepared that it's really gonna be difficult to get one. Passing is easy though.

Anyway, once I get tomorrow done. I shall return to the Halls after the exams, relax and begin my plans on how I will pack and move out. Will probably go out all of Saturday with Alex, Bernie and the entire gang. Alex gave me 5 boxes, which isn't gonna be enough so I'll have to plan where to steal more boxes, ROFL. We were thinking what to do Saturday night as a celebration of sorts for the end of exams for most people (I think out of our group, only Vu and Chris I can think of so far would still be working on papers).

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