Sunday 19 August 2007

The usual Sunday?

Yay, I've finished my first English Lit Fantasy assignment! I kind of regret not doing creative writing (seems everyone else I asked did that) but oh well, I hope I will pass. Well, no. I hope I will get a D. I don't want no measly pass. The nerd comes out in me as I still want D's despite getting no benefit from high grades at this age (besides getting into honours). But a credit will suffice for that.

And yeah, I got my results for my first EIL1020 assignment. It was a D. The greater nerd in me was sort of disappointed because I wanted an HD, you know. Oh right and I'll probably post my grades all the time here even though this blog is public. I never understand some people's fierce resentment in other people knowing their good or bad grades. I don't get why there's this embarrassment. Cause you know, the people you're more likely to be embarrassed from (your friends) are the least likely to judge you because of you're grades, right? Everyone else (who may be more judgmental) can be eaten by a thousand cockroaches for all I care.

Anyway, a summary of my day. Woke up at around 7-ish, and spent most of the day working on my assignment (well that and just surfing the net). I wanted to do my laundry (didn't do it for over 2 weeks) and then I discovered that like... out of the 6 washing machines at Roberts Hall 4 of them was broken. 2 machines isn't enough for over a hundred people. No way in hell it is. Me and another friend of mine who was up early washing his clothes as well was annoyed I think. He stood around quite a bit waiting to get his laundry done. I ran back upstairs while waiting to get post-it notes. I wrote "Broken T___T" on them and stuck them on since people couldn't tell that the machines were broken until they tried to turn it on. It wasted so much of my time taking my clothes in and out of the machines since I wasn't intelligent enough to see if any water would come out of the machine first.

I ate yesterday's dinner for today also. So when I went downstairs to microwave my food with Rachel, guess what did I discover? Out of the 5 microwaves at the Roberts Hall kitchen, 4 of them were broken! 1 microwave IS NOT enough. So we waited ages. By the time Rachel got her thing heated up mine went cold again. But yeah, whatever. Ugh. Least got to talk to Nazri and a few others downstairs. Anyway, I just finished my assignment and passed it on to Rachel since I probably can't hand it in tomorrow due to my placement (well I might be able to, but I won't risk it, if I miss the bus to get back I'll be delayed until I miss the deadline).

Now to work on my proposal of what I would like to do with Debbie for our chance to teach the kids for 45 minutes. I want to do this mind challenge/riddle kind of thing.

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