Monday 29 June 2009

EDF3006 Final Exam

Last day of exams! Last day of exams!! Uhh... I woke up all... LOL MEH WHO CARES NOW. I dunno what to do. I tried my best at last minute study but like.... by 9 AM I was messing on Facebook going LOL at everything. I found it hilarious that me, Amanda and Joanne were texting each other on when to go to Caulfield for lunch together when WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE! Anyway, went to uni. Uhh... the three of us was sharing knowledge. Joanne said once on suiciding by hanging and I told her that apparently because guys are more aggressive they are more likely to suicide by hanging or firearms, which are fatal. Thus why it appears that guys may have more suicides (succcessful ones). While girls have a lot of suicide attempts that fail since they try to overdose or cut themselves which might not actually work.

Lunch was at some random chinese place. Uhh... we had to share the table with randoms. Then we went to Gloria Jean's where I just sat there and like... attempted to study in the last hour. Went to the Racecourse, ran into Lee, Linda and Steph. Lee is mean... he finished exams already and was like delivering his sister apparently.

Lee: Oh, hey Celine what course do you do again?
Celine: I'm in 3rd year Education...
Lee: Oh! Do you know my sister? She does the same thing...
Celine: Probably... but I'm antisocial I dunno anyone in my class.
Lee: OH RIGHT! Cause you're only always with the anime club all the times LOLS.
Celine: *starts kicking him*

Me and Joanne waited until exam started. And yay... when it did and it was reading time. I instintively flicked through my entire paper. Cause I need an HD on it. Then I realised.... YEP I'M SCREWED LOLS. Cause I can do some questions, but not a lot. And well... I have to like not get them wrong. That's a bit hard for me. ^^;;

I worked to the last 5 minutes. By the time I left the exam hall people were gone. Well, I didn't see anyone anyway. So I just hobbled away. Uhh... Amanda phoned me like 10 times continously. Apparently the phone would JUST NOT CONNECT. Until I started to reject her calls cause she just kept phoning and phoning and there was never anyone on the other end when I picked up. She was at Coles but then finished shopping for dinner. So we both went onto the bus. On the bus, got a call from Sammi. LOL, I told her I wasn't going to dinner (was on the bus already and Amanda had bought some for me to cook already). It was our last night to eat with Joanne anyway.

At home~ yay, it was nice to finally be done. I forgot what I did... sleep maybe? Dinner was steak (well I had a chicken breast cause you know I don't eat much lamb / beef), potato and bacon soup and nachos! It was epic ~ haha. We had a nice nice dinner. Jia Chee still had exams though. I think I attempted to have an early night cause I need to wake up like... early tomorrow anyway. =.=;;

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