Saturday 7 February 2009

A day with the ups and the downs...

It's sort of unbelievable how a single day could have it's ups and downs. I woke up at around 9 AM, which was sort of weird if you considered the fact that I got to sleep at 3 AM. You would think that I would like... sleep longer. But I got up without an alarm so... *shrugs*. I only decided to like... get out of bed at 10:30 AM though. And not a single person was at home. In general, the day was depressingly boring. I went to nap at like... 1 AM, which is sort of funny if you consider the fact that I only woke up like a few hours earlier. Some stuff happened here and there, I sadly can't even say on my own blog. But yeah, it sort of brought my whole day down right then and there.

Hmm. 3 PM, mum helped me pack luggage for Australia. I seem to be bringing more then I brought back. CRAP. My luggage was too much so now I have... my luggage plus a box full of stuff. I am DEFINITELY going overweight. Gahh! I hope it isn't more then 30 kg, or I won't know what to do. I didn't really want the box at first cause like... it means I have to make use of a trolley when I get to Melb airport (I normally don't use them because they charge you $4). Normally I just have my one huge luggage, laptop bag on my back and purse on my shoulder. Sadly, you need both arms to carry that box. I still dunno how I'm getting from the airport back to Clayton. =.=

Around 4:30 PM, I went driving! I haven't touched the car since I got my license a year ago - so I was really nervous, and didn't really know what I was doing. But my parents were like... practice, so I went onto a nearby road in the area that doesn't have people around (so I could practice steering and stuff). I'm still a bit... rough around the edges so I don't have the courage to... drive onto a crowded road just yet. Parking will be a problem to... (reverse parking that is - and we can forget me and side parking, lol). Before heading back, we went to Hua Ho Manggis cause I wanted to buy some ribbon for the calender cards yesterday. I decided to punch holes into the corners of them to make them into bookmarks instead. Otherwise they are pretty useless (I should of said that the calenders on them were from 2008, the 2009 ones were too costly to buy 200 of em'). At least now they have a purpose (besides looking nice). It'll take me a long while to tie on 200 pieces of ribbon onto 200 pieces of card though...

Dinner was alone. Rest of night was dull and generally alone. Was sort of told by someone important to me that I wasn't needed. A bit down from that I guess. I wonder how many more people that I care about are gonna tell me that I'm unwanted and a nuisance? Need something to get my mind off. It's really weird. Why is it that the people I want attention from the most are the ones that give it to me the least? Then I have other people I seem to ignore more often who I know wouldn't ignore me if I gave them that attention. Maybe it's karma, cause I don't give attention to everyone equally - and seek out only certain people that the people I actually want to see the most are the ones that ignore me the most. But it's not something I can help. It also shows how blind I am. The people I may like the best obviously don't return that feeling.

Mmm. Am hoping I can go outside tomorrow. Not too sure though, tomorrow looks like another day of me, alone... moping around the house. Not to sound so terrible. I know you all would come to keep me company if we didn't have something known as... being in different countries get in our way. And whoever is in the same country as me wouldn't come see me anyway, since I'm not worth the time am I...


David Coulton said...

Your definition of karma is weird...

Also, I think I might have the same problem when I pack T.T - too much plushies... it's light but it takes up space.

~Leisha~ said...
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~Leisha~ said...

how you getting back to clayton? PT?? or is someone picking you up from the airport?
cos once i move to st albans, i'll see airplanes landing everyday XD

i cant guarantee this but i may be able to help

(sorry i had a typo before XD)

Celine said...

Yeah, I have that too. Plushies are light but fat and bulky...

Uhh... I'm not too sure. Someone might be picking me up. Have to go see first...

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