Tuesday 27 January 2009

And the slavery continues...

Okay, I know it's Day 2 of CNY and all and I'm sure you are all (okay maybe not Mag, lol) still visiting your friend's open houses, or gambling or something. Just pretend I'm a white chick and I don't celebrate CNY, so don't bother asking me what I did today CNY related since my 'celebration' ends yesterday (okay, I'm sure my relatives will have some dinner party on the last day but yeah that's about it). I don't even get ang pau's from a number of relatives anymore. LOL, either they hate me or they hate my family. Whatever, dunno, don't care. Just need mum, dad and my bro and life is fine. Yes. *nods*

I went to work back at ISB today. And the (self-imposed) 'slavery' continues. I walk in, Debbie (or Mrs. Canterford to everyone else) is like "Hi Dear" and within 2 minutes gives me a list of things I need to do that took me the entire day (aka 7 hours). I didn't run around as much as last week (last week was PAINFUL T.T *shudders*) thankfully. And the weather is good now (I don't have to walk through the rain anymore!) I'm actually pretty happy that I've settled into ISB quite nicely, she can now give me tasks and I don't really need to ask her what I'm supposed to do or who I'm supposed to find anymore (since I either already know where or who everyone, or I know how to go and find out myself). Oh yay, indepedance in the school. I generally just made a bunch of documents today Year 12/13 CAS related, and had a hoarde of Year 13's coming in and out looking for Debbie (who ran off somewhere half the time).

Just to finish things off I even skipped my usual Tuesday schedule (which is when I spent most of my day with Mr. Grieves and Mr. Barett - ah well - I did pop in to Mr. Barett's class asking whether he needed my help today). I had to go home without finishing everything I had to do (still need to sort out IB Year 12/13 Careers/Uni shelf with the books from various uni's in the world for Ms. Duce annnnd re-arrange the Principal's bulletin board with images, signs and stuff I made up, oh and to take down the old ones). Tomorrow is gonna have a lot... hmm, I need to work faster. T.T

You know, working with all this CAS stuff makes me wish there was CAS back in my days of ISB (okay, ignoring IB). Since now year 7 - 9 have to do CAS (I assume year 10 and 11 don't because of I/GCSE). It seems a lot more fun and I like how ISB now has like a million clubs because of CAS. There was nothing to join before. Meh. IB from what I've seen is too difficult so the CAS might be fun but more of a nuisance if you have a pile of work behind you. Although, it might be the CAS propaganda rubbing off on me (as Mrs. C has to advertise it of course) but I like the idea behind it. Oh, for the people reading this besides Mag, who dunno what CAS is. It's stands for Creative Action Service, it's a compulsory component in IB (that's a year 12/Foundation/A-Levels equivalent taught at ISB - called the 'best' but the most 'hardest' pre-uni course - even harder then uni apparently, or so they say). In IB, it's where they do like 150 hours of stuff that is not academics and studying. So if you are a quiet mouse who can only sit at a desk, memorise and write things you'll be in trouble as they'll force you to do community service, take part in group, team work and leadership activities, and make you do *GASP* SPORTS! It's probably a pain for some people, an ease for others but overall I think it's a good component since it develops you as an individual a lot better (cause seriously, the world doesn't need more really smart people who are smart but can't act it out confidently in a public or social environment). All the stuff you do is recorded in a diary you have to keep (which I think is awesome cause it's a great high school memento - wish I had one - seriously! I can't even remember myself anymore in ISB, I only have Mag, Manju and Liz to remind me of retarded things I did - or we did together in those days...).

CAS was adapted into the year 7 - 9 curriculum at ISB, where I think they take PSE (Personal Social Education) classes (taught by Debbie). I know they did stuff like first aid, look into AIDs, learn the importance of community service, caring for the environment, working / teaching with primary school kids on various projects. And the school trips like to Pusat Bahagia. I wish we had. Boo boo. Maybe doing other things beside studying would of made me grow up to be a more interesting person - not a book worm without any talents. T.T Meh. Whatever. Too late, I'm already past my teenage years. Gah, 20 now... I was sad I wasted my teenage years but then mum was like... 20's to 30's is the golden age. Instead of regretting make use and enjoy the next decade. Which I will. I definetely will. >.<

Rest of the day. Spent trying to finish one of my novels, Tony Parsons' "My Favourite Wife" because Ms. Natalia (at ISB) saw me reading it one day and wanted to borrow it from me (and possibly read and finish it before I leave). Since you can't buy much books in Brunei ('cept maybe the popular novels). But that's sort of going slowly. And I'm getting tired of reading a novel described as highly 'realistic' but not when it's about a guy being unfaithful to his loving wife and child because he had to fall to the temptations of a lonely Chinese mistress (who isn't a bad person - described as a 'practical' women - becoming a mistress for survival rather then calling her a prostitute for money). Sad thing is that this sort of thing happens way too often in the real world, and you can feel sorry for the people who have to sell sex for money (since I know - as they say, people don't become prostitutes or criminals because they want to - it's because they have no other choice but to - that or they were kidnapped) but it's also sad for the actual wife who spends her time at home run dry trying to care for their young child, sick Granddad and what not while the husband is off frolicking with a young woman in China. It's a lose lose situation for all ('cept maybe the man - until everyone finds out or he feels guilty). Heh, I can tell you many stories of people from Brunei or Malaysia where the wife was abandoned because the husband decided to pick up a Chinese mistress instead...

Thought I would get a new layout for the blog. Since I liked the last one but the column was too thin and it's making the page scroll too much. A pain to read. Took a good amount of time to get everything all pretty looking again (since the layout change made some things funky). I'm also surprised with the number of readers now... makes me self conscious you know. Haha. It used to be just Mag and Liz reading this everyday. But I still need a place to just ramble my thoughts of the day - at least for now anyway. Thanks to the others for comments and stuff. Or everyone's tendency to message me when I have to rant on my blog a bit to get things out. *huggles Xin, Akmal, Khanat, Phe-chan, Les and of course Mag and Liz* Don't every take what I say too seriously, I like to blog and be emo and what not but I'm the type of person who EXAGGERATES a lot. In other words, I make a big deal out of small matters. I don't know, it just sometimes seems like a big deal at the time? My mind seems to do that to me. Give me a few hours of recollection or a good night's sleep and I start asking myself what the hell was the problem to begin with.

At night, I barely ate much dinner. Actually, if I think about it I still don't eat properly (although I feel fine most of the day now). Hmm. Food is still a problem. I only ate random snacks for lunch and took a bite of dinner. Definitely bad for the health. Must work on that. *nods* I won't use the word 'recovery' but I want to be normal by mid-Feb. So I can return to Aus as happy as ever. So, I need to do everything as normal again. And that means I must eat. And I must not get sad the second I am found without anything to do (since my mind tends to wander when that happens, but it shouldn't wander in a negative direction...). Okay, this will work. I know it will. Anyway, after dinner was... video games with the bro and his gf. We normally play Bomberman, make retarded bets on what happens to the losers of each game, and try to beat each other so that we don't lose. I remember last year we betted my Harry Potter books and I lost every single one of them. *sobs* Still having to sleep at 11 PM or 12 AM every night cause of school starting at 7 AM. My dad is starting to get irritated at driving me apparently, lol. Keeps saying why I do it when there is no money involved (which is true, but I think I'm getting something out of it. I mean I really need to develop those interpersonal skills and you can't develop those sitting around playing games all day, or by reading a textbook - gotta get out into the world and interact with people in a professional sense to do that).


oink said...

hee hee cute layout! hahaha

nope i'm not visiting open houses. i was the one who cooked and i'm cooking agen this weekend! fun fun. anyway, i'm not so stressed now either which is GOOOOOOOD! =D

you betted ur harry potter books?! OMG insane! GET THEM BACK!!!! (like ur appetite lol.) oh, and uni is way more hell than IB ... they definitely overexaggerated that more than u cud! lol.

Akmal said...

This layout is better! Less scrolling and I kinda like the new colour scheme too! =D

Please do eat more ok? At least stay normal. You are NOT fat no matter what you think!!!

miracle said...

As above.

EAT!!! =P



~Leisha~ said...


and where do you get new layouts??

so cute!

and you prob hate the constant "mother" nagging about eating more so.....

i'll encourage you to eat more :D:D:D

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