Saturday 29 September 2007

Paintball Part Two

Bruises, bruises and even more bruises! Today was Paintball again with MCAC and the Mauritian Dodo club. I got up at like 8:30 AM, did absolutely nothing for most of the time and at 12:45 Vu picked me and Aaron up at the bus loop to drive us to the paintball centre. We got Sharon, Bernie and David at Huntingdale station also but the centre is like a 3 minute walk away so I thought that was a bit redundant. It seems Vu was a bit too excited with coming early, we were like an hour or so too early, lol. So we just hung outside while Vu was trying to sell us his contraband... I mean show us the sizes for the MCAC t-shirts. Lots of other people came as time went on of course, Lee, Nazri, David, Tim, Tam...etc.

We waited indoors for a while. Random stuff happened like Tam's hair was supposedly extremely flat today, to the point that no one could recognized him. I didn't either but I only met Tam like... once before this so I kind of forgot his face. And kept grabbing Vu's hat, unless you couldn't tell, Vu ALWAYS has a hat on (well almost anyway ...). Tam told me that he lost his hat once and went out to buy the exact same hat. Other random things... well, David forgot my name and called me Casini. T_T Well he didn't forget since after that he realised I was Celine... I told David I would get my revenge but in the end I was on the same team as him. From MCAC, there were only four girls, me, Sharon, Bernie and her friend (who left early) so we stuck together. The Mauritian club only had 2 other girls also.

So yeah, we finally got in, did the usual paintball stuff. Sign documents, get clothing and gear. I bought an extra 200 paintballs this time, so I had 400 paintballs to waste. Heh, me, Sharon, Bernie and her friend bought like a 900 paintball pack, each of us took 200 except for Sharon who wanted another 300. Alex came over to the paintball centre also as a spectator, so he took videos and photos of us.

The first field we were in was that car and tire one. Where we played Highlander and some other games. Unlike when I went with GFN there were more game variations this time. Besides Highlander (push opposing team to the bunk) we also had another one where your timed and you gotta take out the other team (who have one life). I was only yellow team again this time, where most of the MCAC members were actually. Only a few were on the other side (Sharon, Vu and eventually Bernie 1 for starters). In the beginning, I took kind of a leadership role. I mean we were playing Highlander so I was telling everyone to just charge in rather then go for slow and steady pincer attack. It didn't go as well as I would of liked.

I forgot to say, MCAC and Dodo Mauritian club are A LOT MORE aggressive then the GFN group. The charging didn't work, they also charged and we were shot to bits and pieces. I took like a couple of shots here and there (arm and leg I think). But apparantly everyone began to like charging in. The next game we still sort of charged in, can't really remember too well what happened. During defence time, I hid in the back lol. And didn't get hit at all. So yeah, yellow team won all the games in the first round. Go us!

Second field was the wild west one. OMG, I got the most injured in this one. So we did that plushie game where you run to get dolls in the middle. Then we did another one where there are money bags in the money house and you have to run to get that. In the first game, it was pretty funny. When we started me and Bernie ran to this home and I had a AWESOME time sniping everyone who was trying to take out our members getting the dolls. Getting people off guard is so much fun, I was shooting through the door and no one saw me being all busy shooting the windows. Didn't get hurt here.

But next game, ouch ouch ouch. The money one, while our team was still finalizing our strategies the guy was like BARRELS OFF, SAFETY OFF, START! And we were all in a mess. Everyone still had their safety on and we were shot at and ran in different directions all messed up. So much for our strategy. I couldn't get any closer to the front (I was at the back by the wild west houses) since when I tried I was shot at. Eventually there was this guy at the door way near me, I appeared, got shocked and BAM BAM BAM. 3 shots under 8 metres to the thigh. I was like DAAAMNNNN SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCCCCKKK OWWWWWW!!! Do not get shot under 8 metres people. T_T I dragged myself back to the safety box after this.

A break and then we went to that inflatables field. I hated this one. So we had the flag game. I didn't do much but the strategy our group used was funny. By this time everyone seemed to enjoy going trigger happy and suicidal. So our group strat was basically to use meat shields to get the flags. Everyone literally clumped together ran out like suicidals and the first line of defence (made up of David, Tam and one other MCAC member) served as shields for whoever was behind him, so if the person in front got taken down there was still people behind to grab the flag. When it was our turn to grab the flag everything happened so fast I didn't even do anything before the game was over. T.T

I remember one game where everyone ran to the centre, and so did the other team. Everyone started yelling out SURRENDER!!! since it was too close to shoot. We had another game here also where it ended really early because the other team was disqualified? Apparently the referee caught people cheating, even after getting shot they still continued charging forward when they shouldn't.

According to Alex it was really funny to watch on this field with our strategy. As the other team used pincer attack while ours was charging through in a clump. So we fell for their attack since we all stuck together and would just end up surrounded in the middle. Not that everyone seemed to anyway. David was hilarious in this one. Since he was the meat shield, he ran around literally waving his arms to everyone to get people to shoot him. So that people behind David could get the people who took him out. The guy got like waaay to many shots to the chest.

A break then we went onto the last field, the J.F. Kennedy one. When we were trying to get their J.F. uhh... it didn't go too well. We were at a standstill. I was stuck behind a tire before I got shot in the knee and shoulder, after that I hobbled to the safety area and had trouble running back into the game. Cause the second I ran out of the safety area I could feel paintballs flying by my head. When we had to defend our J.F. Kennedy, well I took out some people and didn't get shot at all. Big mistake, by the time I was shot everyone was almost gone except for me and a few others. So I put my leg too far out behind the tire, everyone pointed their guns at me and bleh, 3 shots to the leg and arm. X.X

Anyway, everyone still had paintballs left so we played Highlander on this field again. I wanted to use up my paintballs (Bernie still had over a 100) so I went a bit trigger happy here. The highlander didn't go too well though, we were at a standstill again. I got a head shot here, ran back and went back in but it was almost over then.

Lastly, for all remaining paintballs... the Mexican shootoff. I deliberately didn't take part in this at the GFN paintball sesssion because I didn't want to. The Mexican shootoff is where we like stand pretty close to each other, point our guns at each other and shoot until there are no more paintballs. No moving, no running behind cover or anything.

When the guy said to begin I immediately went %$#%%!@!!$#%#OMGWTFBBQ@$#)%$!!!%)# X_________X X_________X

People like Bernie were lucky, apparently no one really shot at her. (Although she and Sharon had fun pointing a gun at this guy who was like a rag doll with the amount of shots he got hit with) Yeah, I was shocked because I got like 4 neck shots at least (in the same spot), head shots, arm shots and chest shots (which don't affect me luckily). I immediately just pulled the trigger, surrendered and ran to safety. Didn't even know what was going on, I couldn't see anymore since my mask was covered in paint.

Anyway I was tired so I was glad it was all over. I deciding whether to take Alex's car to Bernie's house, where we were to drive over to Sophia's for dinner, or take Lee's car back to the Halls of Residence since he was driving Nazri back. I decided not to shower, so I went to Bernie's house to DDR! Hahaha. I really sucked, either I was tired or I relapsed? But yeah, only MCAC would have the energy to DDR after being shot left and right in paintball. Raine, Drue and Chris messaged/phoned us on our way back, heh. Anyway, we left for Sophia's at 6:45 PM, we were starving. I didn't get any lunch either (well I ate a can of sardines and some biscuits).

The first and last time I came to Sophia's was O-week of semester one. Since Roberts Hall went there. I remember eating a plate of 3 different pasta's with Grace and Eugene. This time at Sophia's we had me, Bernie 1, Bernie 2, Vu, Lee, Nazri, Alex, Sharon, Tim and a new member, Mootian. We all decided later on to call him Moo. At Sophia's we had.. 2 plates of the 3 pasta's on a plate, there was ravioli, vegetarian lasagna and spaghetti carbonara. And 3 pizzas, vegetarian one, some Mexican one and the special (with everything on it almost). At dessert Alex, Bernie and co. ordered this large bowl of assorted gelati and this huge ass slice of Tiramisu. O.O We had problems getting that finished...

As Chris and Drue kept messaging us to ask whether we were doing anything after dinner, well... people wanted to play pool so I suggested just heading to Roberts Hall since the common room with the pool tables are probably free (holidays + friday night = free). So yeah, we went there! Me, Bernie and Sharon stopped at Coles at Brandon Park on our way to the Halls to buy some drinks. We had a nice little time in the common room, lol. It was a bit weird to see people like Bernie 1, Vu and Lee in the common room though. Everyone went home fairly early, but I think Drue, Chris and Bernie stayed out a bit longer. I was tired by 12 AM so I went back to my room. Have to wake up in time for the Tulip Festival afterall.

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