Friday 3 April 2009

A light in the far off distance...

This morning was actually pretty hilarious. Not funny in the funny way, just funny in the "Celine you are a moron" way. I was really sick again, and I should clarify what I mean by 'sick' when I say I am 'sick'. Not physically sick, just that I have this nasty feeling of a.) wanting to throw up, b.) my heartbeat/pulse is irregular - too fast, c.) I feel like I want to just hide under my blanket and never come out again, d.) I feel like it would be nice if time would just stop. Anyway, it was hilarious cause I have a practice test due today which I never did. I felt like I was really gonna throw up but there isn't anything for me to throw up (c'mon, I've eaten so little, lol) so I did everything I could to sit upright and start typing. And reading things. And thinking as fast as I could. Honestly, if I pass my units this sem I would give myself a pat on the back for like... spending 10 minutes doing what other people spend hours doing. I dunno whether the crap I type up out of my head amounts to anything though... for 3rd year units. Ah well, if I fail anything this sem I'll just have to explain to mum... and stay for the summer this year to catch up. I just pray that it isn't an Education unit because... I cannot fail my core units. Or I'm screwed. Since you can't catch those up in summer... and my grades will probably be too low to overload.

Yeah... so I hobbled to Caulfield. Got my way through class... thankfully. @.@ Then after class I spent like one and a half hours in the Caulfield library catching up and chatting with Ieja. She says some pretty awesome things, hehe. Cause of my eating problem she like made me cakes the day before and forced me to eat two of them, lol. They were really good. ^^ Cause of her my spirits were really lifted and I spent almost rest of the day in a relatively good mood. :D It was nice. I didn't have that 'sick' feeling. I need to keep what it was that I had today going through all my days. I need to remember some of the stuff Ieja and everyone else was telling me too. She said she didn't understand why I was sad. I had too much to be happy for. And I said I know. I know I have too much to be happy for. I dont' know why I'm sad either...

As Jia Chee said...

"Be happy Celine. Good things happen to you when you're happy." right? I just need to always remember that. If I feel happy better things will happen in life. I know it will...

Ieja sort of said that if I wasn't okay by the next time I see her (perhaps next week) she's gonna bitch slap me. Ehehehe. As today was a pleasant day no more emo-ness in this post. So yeah, then I went back to uni all hyper~ and went to lunch table TO FINISH MY PRACTICE TEST. *sobs* I didn't know how to do one part of it... so I was like... Sammmmm!!! Who helped me out. Then I went to join the DBSK dance people cause I wanted to practice too! Hahaha. OMG, we danced for like one and a half hours I think!! It was a lot of fun. Or I thought it was a lot of fun. I know Alan said it was a lot of fun. So that's good at least. That the both of us were happy to be there. We were WAYYY tired though. So yeah, it was an awesome time practicing with Kimmie, Alan, Andrew, Lee, Sam2 and Sebby~ :D

I sux majorly though!! Hahaha. Kim like did 'personal' tests with everyone and graded me the highest surprisingly (BWAHAHAHA TAKE THAT!!) I got a "B"! Next highest was Lee who got a "B-" but like... Lee only started learning today. And he was really good. Picked it up fast. For me, it's my 3rd day already... lol.

At night when I was talking to Alan on MSN, he said that he just realised he looks like a retard while dancing. I said the same thing too since I checked myself in the mirror! YESSS! WE BOTH LOOKED LIKE RETARDS WHILE PRACTICING IN FRONT OF THAT MANY PEOPLE!!! Go usss! *hi5*~

So yeah, then the funny crap happens. So everyone goes home. I sit around with Phe-chan. Then um... even more people home. And we have an insane time with K-man, Steve, Rachel, Amanda (uhh the other one.. okay from now on Amanda refers to Amanda Tjiupek while the previous person I would call Amanda is now my housemate: Yi Xin - lol or it'll be confusing). So yeah, Amanda came back from Squash practice and had her racket. So K-man and Steve were doing Prince of Tennis style moves with an invisible ball (and one racket). They looked insane, there were videos taken... everyone in the remaining area was staring O.O. Hahahahaha!!! Good times, good times. Mel comes along who has to wait until 7 PM in uni for Zac. I was gonna head out to dinner with K-man later on with my housemates so I asked Mel to hang with us until then. So we both walked home chatting about things. Which is nice because I've never really talked to Mel (or any of the other girls - I mean I didn't befriend most people - right now I still only talk to Vu2 and Alan so *shrugs*). So it was really nice! ^^

Then umm... Mel, me, Joanne, Mei Xian and Jia Chee went to Clayton!! Sha stayed home and Yi Xin was at Jono's. Whlie there we were waiting for Khanat while Mel was waiting for Zac (who was wandering around OfficeWorks?? lol). When Khanat came I just hobbled to OfficeWorks with Mel to 'punch' Zac since Mel said to do it. Hahaha. Okay, that was a pathetic punch. :P Dinner was at La Porchetta. I never really ate their properly. It was good. We went home and um... I was just practicing dance and stuff. So was Jia Chee and Sha. ^^ Then I went to sleep cause I was realllllly realllllly tired.

All in all, it was a good day after I got over some of the initial thoughts. My mornings still tend to be really rough so I need to decide what I wanna do from there to help myself. But yeah... more pondering tomorrow perhaps...

"It was only a sunny smile and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living."

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