Sunday 2 September 2007

Izzati's Surprise Birthday Party.

Aaaah, what a tiring two days. Okay, now to type the rest of what happened on Saturday which I couldn't type for the small small non-existent chance that for some reason Izzati would read my blog.

Yeah, Saturday was Izzati's birthday. But we decided to throw her a party on Sunday as to surprise her (if we did a surprise party on her actual birthday I think she would of expected one). So Ieja and co. made up some weird plan to disappoint her on her actual birthday (sorry Izzati!), and get her to rush over to the Townhouse (their home) on Sunday while we were all waiting.

So Saturday aroun 5 PM-ish I walked over... or more liked dragged myself to their house (it's like a 35 minute walk with my heavy bag, since I was sleeping over). While at the house, I helped Aya in making the desserts (There was this yummy mango delight thing that everyone loved, and all other stuff which I don't remember what it's called now). I uhh... helped slice the bread crust off like two bags of bread (for this sardine roll thing), washed a lot of dishes, blew balloons, helped with jelly stuff and etc. Aya and Nabila had it bad since they had assignments and exams to study for, Nabila didn't sleep in the end while Aya got very little sleep (and I was snoring away in Aya's room in the meantime). I felt bad. I slept the earliest (like at 12 AM) and woke up the latest (like at 7 AM).

Morning, I got up. Uhh.. Nabila was still downstairs as I left her when I went to sleep. Aya went jogging (you're amazing to have the energy to go jogging in the cold...). So yeah, I spent a good amount of the morning washing and quickly defrosting 10 kg of chicken wings... T___T and I helped or yeah, grilled like half of em'. Besides that, since I'm pretty useless in the kitchen I went to help decorate and sweeped the garage (where we were having the food) and etc. Blew a lot of balloons (which is hard for me to begin with).
Decoration~ okay, I have a retarded pose, shut up! Haha.

There was some panic in the morning because we were expecting Ieja to come at like 8 AM or past that a bit (as she said) but she disappeared. Me and Nabila continously phoned her (she said she got like 20+ miscalls, hahahaha). Turns out Izzati stayed in her room and they both woke up like at 11 AM... and of course, Ieja had a hard time trying to get away from Izzati (without her noticing anything).

Worry #2 I had was that no one was showing up. Until thankfully uhh.. Gwanja (sorry if I can't spell it right), V, Amanda, Jia Chi and Mitze came! Then a lot of others came. Worry #3 that haunted me for the entire time we were waiting for Izzati to come was Han Lin and Winston. T.T Because Han Lin said he woke up at like 2 PM and was coming over soon, I was worrying over what would happen if they ran into Izzati halfway, or if they couldn't find the house and whether I could get out to find them and stuff. (Which I wouldn't of cause I couldn't risk running into Izzati)

But Izzati's surprise was excellent. I took a video of it. Heh. She ran the other way the second we opened the garage and yelled out. And yeah, the rest of the party went well. V, Amanda, Jia Chi, Han Lin and Winston were like in awe at the awesome-ness of Aya's house. Took them upstairs and stuff for a tour. I hope I will be able to find a house as nice as that one with Amanda, Jia Chi and Sharon! The lucky draw... I wish I could have entered! Hahaha. I needed those containers (one of the prizes). I pretty much didn't know everyone from the party outside the people I invited myself (a.k.a. the people already mentioned in this post) but yeah, unlike Nabila's party I was a bit happier to have people to talk to and hang with this time. Bunch of photos below!

Izzati's lovely birthday cake!

The array of food! I'm proud to be able to help with this. And watch as everyone compliments Aya's awesome cooking skills.

And we went a bit crazy with the group photos but... it's a party. It's all about the group photos. Hahaha. This is what I had on my camera although Nabila's camera also has a bunch of photos.

From the left, Jia Chi, Amanda, me, V, Mitze, Winston, Ieja, Han Lin and Aya.

Uhh... yeah. Around the same people with the addition of Zaffril, Izzati, Nabila and Steven.

Giant group photo #1! (Amanda was cut off... D: D:) And don't ask me what Zaid is doing...

More random group photo taking~

Giant group photo #2!

Everyone started leaving at around 4:30-ish I think. After that we ran around bringing the tables back in, I vacuumed the house, threw stuff away, Ieja washed all the dishes and etc. We finished at around 5:45 PM, and decided to take the bus back to the Halls (after saying bye to Aya). And it turns out we missed the bus which comes at 5:45 PM since we then happily waited like 30 minutes for the 6:30 bus (which was late and I was freezing cold).

Our after party! Watch as we pig out on more... snacks. Hahahaha.

Waiting for the damn bus... in the dark and the cold... T_T

Got back at 7:00 PM. I ate some of the leftovers from the party and remembered that I forgot to sign up for the Tulip Festival trip during mid sem break so I ran back downstairs to the Operations office to do that.

Anyway, now is shower time. Then I need to finish reading "The Princess Bride" for English Literature. Start my 50% Education assignment (hooray for not doing any work at all for the weekend!). And make this video for GFN tomorrow which MCAC is gonna take part in (I was a bit hurt my friends said they wouldn't show up the second I said this though... T____T.... booo.... I hope everyone listens to Raine tomorrow, or I might actually lose my temper for once).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Surprise birthday parties are really awesome and it can be clearly seen in the pictures. I have planned a spinster’s party for my friend at one of elegant Chicago event space next month. Hope she likes the venue and enjoys it to fullest.

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